the Magic

Is Antoine humilitated

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
7731802 470886 Is Antoine humilitated Concentrate and ask again
7731659 245767 Can 8 play as bonus on lunchtime today NO!
7731657 245767 Can 40,play as a bonus on lunch today Very doubtful
7731655 245767 Can 48,play as a bonus on lunchtime today My reply is no
7730361 440810 is 5 a bonus ball today uk 49s lunchtime Yes
7729256 920437 will william invite me over to his house? Better not tell you now
7729090 642528 Number 8 become SA powerball yesterday? My reply is no
7728559 219134 back when i was a kid...(my father worked for the Airlines) i was an airline brat. I flew..constantly. Just for the fun of it. To grab a another city. :D it was fun. Better not tell you now
7727839 905836 He can't wait to see me again? It is decidedly so
7727453 64277 i have early systoms of pregnancy Yes
7727088 29912 Three lucky numbers UK lunchtime lotto for tomorrow 1 August 2016 Outlook good
7726054 646971 will 29, 31, 33, and 34 be played today at uk 49 lunch time lotto? NO!
7725632 792758 Will he give in and call me soon? NO!
7725623 118971 Will I get the job? Yes
7725462 771676 what is my past life NO!
7725453 825609 Does jk love me like he said? My sources say no
7725441 757245 Yes or no ijbmojotlltrn Very doubtful
7725438 825609 Will lance be contacting me soon? Better not tell you now
7725417 825609 Did jk lie to me tuesday? As I see it, yes
7725397 757245 Yes or no djbsllypiwlawhbo Without a doubt
7725387 219134 you know your meaningless..without me. :D Most likely
7725382 219134 *reaches* for you. you *reach* for me. darling...babycakes...lover boy. you are mine> i am yours. Without a doubt
7725367 219134 a lot of frosting? Yes - definitely
7725345 419883 Booster ball for uk49 lunchtime high today? Yes - definitely
7725344 419883 Booster ball for uk49 lunchtime low today? It is certain
7725343 419883 Will booster ball for lunchtime be high today? It is certain
7725342 419883 Will booster ball for lunchtime be low today? Not in a million years
7725341 927669 26,28,44 on UK lunchtime today Count on it
7725340 927669 Can 28,38, 44 on lunchtime today NO!
7725339 927669 16,29,44 can they become UK lunchtime winning numbers My sources say no
7725338 927669 Can 16,29,48,44 going to be winning lunchtime today NO!
7725337 927669 Can 45,26,37 will win today on lunchtime My reply is no
7725336 927669 Can 44,26 win on lunchtime today Outlook not so good
7725335 927669 Can 26,29,44 win on lunchtime today Not in a million years
7725334 927669 Can 26,37,44 win on lunchtime today NO!
7725332 134292 Is he wondering how to make tmrw as memorable as possible It is decidedly so
7725330 134292 Will we have an amazing time Outlook good
7725329 134292 Will he make it really memorable As I see it, yes
7725327 927669 Can 26,29 come out on lunchtime today Ask again later
7725325 72134 Will God finally rescue me financially this month? Without a doubt
7725324 72134 Has God decided to bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball tomorrow night or not? Which is it please? Final answer. Outlook good
7725321 927669 Do s loves me Yes - definitely
7725318 26410 Can 15-26-37 be win on lunch time today As I see it, yes
7725317 927669 Can 44, 26 play on lunchtime today Reply hazy, try again
7725316 632081 Am I going to win lunchtime Yes
7725313 927669 Can 26,37 play on lunchtime today Yes - definitely
7725312 927669 Can 45, 26,37 play on lunchtime today Not in a million years
7725310 26410 Can 24-42-44 be win on lunch time today My reply is no
7725309 927669 Can 44,37 play on lunchtime today Outlook good
7725307 26410 Can 24-42-44 be win on lunch time today Better not tell you now