the Magic

Will it b soon yes or no

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8028792 729426 Will it b soon yes or no Yes - definitely
8028075 328145 Alfreda Mosley up morning now worrying certain me not home yet My reply is no
8028074 328145 Alfreda Mosley up morning now worrying certain Count on it
8027500 857988 O wallac makes more than boss tells truth It is decidedly so
8025790 600743 Whenever rad drunk, thinks me tells truth often done me wrong right can't handle lost me good definitely truth Yes - definitely
8025119 751275 magkakatuluyan ba kami ni isidoro manaligod cruz? Ask again later
8025048 992640 Should we go to a hotel tonight It is certain
8024225 484794 Abu rasheed elhadi married nuri r. Elhadi freaky related jamela Reply hazy, try again
8024216 484794 Abu rasheed elhadi married nuri r. Elhadi over It is certain
8023988 142983 Will I finally win the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? Yes - definitely
8023917 142983 Is something good about to happen to me today? Yes - definitely
8023126 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless, and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot tonight or not? Yes
8022991 90815 will the distrct atorrney step in and releve daven port of his dutys It is decidedly so
8021476 219134 prostitutes...dont care. its a shame..hope he paid you...a lot of money good man...will EVER want you now. the money..and get a new hair style. Not in a million years
8020234 367205 Does brandon love me Concentrate and ask again
8020120 76955 is this accurate Count on it
8019838 559125 she hot soul! Concentrate and ask again
8018683 421863 Will it happen doon Yes
8018674 875704 Should I beat off? As I see it, yes
8017817 435423 Should I go to the casino tonight Without a doubt
8016765 142983 Will God finally surprise and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot tonight or not? Yes - definitely
8016045 142983 Will God finally decide to shock, surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes
8015481 283707 Will my financial situation greatly improve tomorrow? It is certain
8015269 219134 He has a daughter he calls Easter. ..she was born on a Tues Night. ..wonder who that is :) NO!
8013768 219134 Q; Why can't you trust the king of the jungle? a: Because he's always lion. Yes
8013752 219134 Q: What do you call a shoe made out of a banana? A: A slipper. Yes
8012146 219134 Um...Navajo?...yo..half breed...get your whore mama...she trouble. She gave birth to YOU> ..sad sad fuking sad. Navajo whores. Your mama Yes
8009899 219134 """I Like you, because you join in on my weirdness""" My sources say no
8009268 253053 are in your 40's? had a kid. ruined your body. Your hips are all...stretched out My sources say no
8009020 219134 You heard that I was starting over with someone new But told you I was moving on over you Without a doubt
8009008 219134 Well I thought I knew you, thinkin' that you were true Guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff time is up 'Cause I've had enough You were there by my side, always down for the ride But your joy ride just came down in flames cause your greed sold me out in shame Not in a million years
8008710 1045083 Will Ray come back to me ? My sources say no
8008192 219134 he is my "live in" boyfriend. Yes
8007490 219134 i seduced the Golden Corral Without a doubt
8007437 359862 Am I a failure? Yes or no? Ask again later
8006946 219134 i can cheat you blind Count on it
8004737 123538 should i take a shower and a nap? My reply is no
8004545 429479 Qaddafi and nuri elhadi married 5 years 2012 had children not divorced It is decidedly so
8001431 563823 Am I pregnant? Outlook not so good
8000400 978102 Darryl happy really asked now Very doubtful
8000361 1014212 Does Jeffrey Ridgway Jr have a nice butt Count on it
7998863 867215 Will Elda be saying yes to us? Reply hazy, try again
7998494 219134 yes or no...were you in the know? Without a doubt
7998059 584895 do khara 3la rasek Most likely
7997843 219134 yup..its love. the love of YOUR lifetiem NO!
7996809 608608 Hamz has new girlfriend Very doubtful
7995552 243174 Does Joseph love me? Yes
7995106 806017 Can 46 be a bonus number for uk49 teatime today Yes
7991956 635273 Will I have a One Night Stand with rottenrobi ? My sources say no
7991807 219134 you targeted me...because i had mental illness?...or because..YOU do? Count on it