the Magic

What if she wants that too

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8148569 797154 What if she wants that too Not in a million years
8148568 902414 Should I wear a women's bra now My reply is no
8148567 797154 Does he take care of naughty women n reach them Count on it
8148564 797154 Only to him Not in a million years
8148563 518940 Will Erin get the job in Alabama? Outlook good
8148561 902414 Will I ever get blackmailed Outlook not so good
8148559 902414 Should I put ladies panties on Most likely
8148555 902414 Do you have a place where you would like her to cause pain Better not tell you now
8148554 902414 Do you prefer pain over degradation for me Most likely
8148553 902414 Should I call another mistress tomorrow Yes
8148550 902414 Was my ex girlfriend right when she called me an inadequate perverted wanker Outlook not so good
8148549 518940 Are we moving out of Minnesota? Count on it
8148547 902414 Most women who really know me have called me a pervert It is decidedly so
8148544 902414 I like being made to humiliating and degrading things Most likely
8148543 902414 Don't perverts deserve whatever a woman wants them to do NO!
8148542 902414 Its so gross but I deserve to have the enema poured all over me don't I NO!
8148541 902414 Its so gross but I deserve the enema all over me don't I Concentrate and ask again
8148540 902414 Should I beg for the enema Yes - definitely
8148539 902414 But she always makes me suffer my enema all over me after I squirt it out will it happen tomorrow Very doubtful
8148538 902414 But she always makes me suffer my enema all over me after I squirt it out Reply hazy, try again
8148537 902414 She always makes me pour the enema bucket over my head NO!
8148536 902414 Will she want me to put the enema over my head Not in a million years
8148535 902414 Will she want to give me the enema over my head Reply hazy, try again
8148533 902414 Should I ask for the enema treatment again Not in a million years
8148532 902414 Will I need to phone my mistress tomorrow for punishment As I see it, yes
8148526 797154 Is he a teacher Outlook not so good
8148525 797154 Is he a watcher Outlook good
8148524 797154 Is he a protector My reply is no
8148523 797154 There is someone else meant for me? Count on it
8148522 797154 Does he care for me My sources say no
8148521 797154 There's nothing to know NO!
8148520 797154 Does anyone know about us Count on it
8148519 797154 Will I get to feel the change in space time As I see it, yes
8148518 797154 Will he think I'm annoying Yes
8148517 797154 Is he my soulmate Most likely
8148516 797154 Is he my density My reply is no
8148515 797154 Are we able to read each other Not in a million years
8148514 797154 Should I start day drinking Outlook good
8148513 635273 Will I Travel Back in Time to 1988 Los Angeles to go to The Playboy Mansion Very doubtful
8148512 797154 He has been here before? Yes
8148511 797154 Does he know where I live Outlook good
8148510 797154 Will he come to my house It is certain
8148509 797154 Doe he love his girl lisa NO!
8148508 797154 Are thete dangerous people arou d me NO!
8148507 212183 Will he be back here pretty dok Outlook good
8148506 212183 Is he breaking up with his girl As I see it, yes
8148505 797154 Should I go out tonight NO!
8148504 212183 Is sl thinking of me so much NO!
8148503 797154 Will he call Outlook good
8148502 797154 Is he at home Yes - definitely