the Magic

Will my girlfriend ever cheat on me

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8247278 736009 Will my girlfriend ever cheat on me Not in a million years
8247277 736009 Will me and my girlfriend ever breakup My reply is no
8247275 736009 Will me and my girlfriend get married Cannot predict now
8247273 736009 Will I stay a guy forever Very doubtful
8247271 405027 Will the sell of the house go through Count on it
8247270 405027 Will the sell of the house go through Concentrate and ask again
8247269 405027 Will the sell of the house go through Ask again later
8247268 405027 Will rob get good news Monday As I see it, yes
8247267 405027 Will rob get good news tomorrow Not in a million years
8247265 66767 Does Jan Hizon live in Sacramento? Without a doubt
8247264 166305 Will I g h b s f ? It is certain
8247263 166305 Is m m j b o t p a s I o k? It is certain
8247262 265305 Should I proceed with emily? Yes
8247259 752306 Alfreda sad nights Concentrate and ask again
8247258 752306 Alfreda sad nights rights Without a doubt
8247257 665452 who's supervising! Reply hazy, try again
8247256 665452 miss sd keeps your losers away and bad outcomes Without a doubt
8247254 665452 she keeps it on the news channel As I see it, yes
8247252 665452 jessica graham protects me Very doubtful
8247251 836496 Omawall boss treated well My reply is no
8247248 432874 make pf suffer for me Yes
8247247 836496 Omawall children big lying Count on it
8247246 836496 Omawall children big NO!
8247245 836496 Rhonda hyman working today It is certain
8247244 836496 Rhonda hyman called about health As I see it, yes
8247243 836496 Rhonda hyman called about Omawall Not in a million years
8247241 836496 Rhonda hyman called about nothing Very doubtful
8247240 836496 Steve Smith not happy It is decidedly so
8247238 836496 Qad not happy Signs point to yes
8247237 836496 Steve Smith in home 5:46 now My reply is no
8247236 836496 Steve Smith home 5:46 now lying Outlook not so good
8247234 665452 I'm taking care of them... NO!
8247230 665452 miss sd protects my Lucy from bad energy Concentrate and ask again
8247229 665452 I found the square quilted resort bedding for them As I see it, yes
8247228 665452 miss sd protects my Lucy Count on it
8247227 665452 they're for my Lucy Without a doubt
8247225 665452 anyway the real ones had telephone cord and special holster scabbards My sources say no
8247221 665452 they had these mattresses with laughing children on them from Ashley furniture Concentrate and ask again
8247220 665452 the Westin heavenly bed is expensive too My reply is no
8247219 665452 it used to be that you had to buy the memory foam bed and everything and it became over 1200 bucks Very doubtful
8247218 665452 they're for hot chicks Yes - definitely
8247216 665452 or let me lick out Lucy's b u t t h o l e for one Count on it
8247215 665452 help me to find my Lucy Most likely
8247214 665452 I'm keeping two of these ... they are truly god given My reply is no
8247213 665452 it's a bag of ten bed spreads and Yes - definitely
8247210 665452 Lucy can sell them or trade them Outlook good
8247208 665452 it's for my babes Yes
8247207 665452 it's just information Yes
8247206 665452 I want to give one to Lucy for eating her out NO!
8247204 665452 but I have to rub my Lucy on it Signs point to yes