the Magic

Did malcom go out with another girl lastnight?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8303471 249970 Did malcom go out with another girl lastnight? Yes
8303470 249970 Did malcom miss me lastnight? NO!
8303469 249970 Did malcom think about me lastnight? Without a doubt
8303468 249970 Did malcom think about me lastnight? Ask again later
8302837 782917 What is bonus ball colour for today uk49s It is certain
8302806 962689 What colour bonus will be on lunchtime today Without a doubt
8302443 920437 did malcom ever love me? Concentrate and ask again
8302442 920437 will malcom make a new family with another girl? Yes - definitely
8302439 920437 did malcom leave me for another girl? Yes
8302432 920437 does malcom think about me? Cannot predict now
8302423 249149 Will I h t g a j n? Most likely
8302421 249149 Will w b s I t? Count on it
8302418 305144 Will he offer me a love proposition ? Count on it
8302414 856922 Fabiola herpes yes or no Outlook not so good
8302413 856922 Fabiola herpes Ask again later
8302412 856922 Omw herpes Outlook not so good
8302411 518940 Will get a good job offer soon? Signs point to yes
8302410 518940 Are we moving out of Minnesota soon? Reply hazy, try again
8302409 249149 Will w e g a o m? Outlook good
8302408 249149 Will w e g a o m? Reply hazy, try again
8302407 249149 Are w a t g a o m? Outlook not so good
8302406 249149 Will w b s t f r w n s s I w h t f a j o g o d? Most likely
8302405 249149 Will I g t a I a s v s? Very doubtful
8302404 249149 Is h g t t m s? Very doubtful
8302403 249149 Is t w h s t? Not in a million years
8302402 249149 Did b a w t h l j p? Yes
8302401 249149 Did h a w t l? Concentrate and ask again
8302400 249149 Will I g d I I a f I? Yes - definitely
8302399 249149 Should I a f d? Very doubtful
8302398 249149 Would I b e f d n? Signs point to yes
8302397 249149 Will I b e f x n? Reply hazy, try again
8302396 803948 will we win the lottery tonight Most likely
8302395 191996 State farm insurance mail me out letter yesterday,yes or no, lying Count on it
8302394 191996 State farm insurance mail me out letter yesterday,yes or no Not in a million years
8302393 191996 State farm insurance mail me out letter yesterday Ask again later
8302392 191996 State farm insurance mail me letter Ask again later
8302391 9330 will i have good news from child support later today? My sources say no
8302390 191996 Omw hope me visited Signs point to yes
8302389 249149 Did g g m a m o d I h b a y? Signs point to yes
8302388 230446 Post special promotion Outlook good
8302387 765864 Is he worth my time? Without a doubt
8302386 765864 Is he worth my time? Concentrate and ask again
8302385 765864 Will I get proof? Signs point to yes
8302384 765864 Is it someone I know? Yes - definitely
8302382 765864 Does he love me? Count on it
8302381 765864 Is he cheating? Better not tell you now
8302380 765864 Does he know I'm serious? Very doubtful
8302379 765864 Is he listening? Most likely
8302378 765864 Has he read my messages again today? Most likely
8302377 765864 Will he tell me the truth? Ask again later