the Magic

Does Jala miss seeing me?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8316994 160847 Does Jala miss seeing me? Outlook not so good
8316993 160847 Does Jala miss seeing me? Cannot predict now
8316992 160847 Does Jala miss me? As I see it, yes
8316991 160847 Is Jala worried I don't like her because she didn't see me today? Very doubtful
8316990 160847 Is Jala worried I am mad at her because she didn't see me today? Most likely
8316989 795183 Will I be single for a while My sources say no
8316988 160847 Is Jala worried I hate her because she didn't see me today? Ask again later
8316987 795183 Will r contact me this week Outlook good
8316986 160847 Is Jala worried about me because she didn't see me today? NO!
8316985 795183 Should I hook up with tommy Signs point to yes
8316984 160847 Is Jala worried about me because she didn't see me today? Better not tell you now
8316983 795183 Will it rain on saturday My sources say no
8316982 160847 Is Jala worried she didn't see me today? Most likely
8316981 160847 Is Jala upset she didn't see me today? Without a doubt
8316980 795183 Am I better off without r My sources say no
8316979 795183 Am I better off without R Concentrate and ask again
8316978 160847 Is Jala happy she didn't see me today? Not in a million years
8316977 160847 Is Jala sad she didn't see me today? My reply is no
8316976 795183 Is R happier apart Yes
8316975 160847 Is Jala glad she didn't see me today? Very doubtful
8316974 160847 Is Jala glad she didn't see me today? Concentrate and ask again
8316973 795183 Will I become involved in a new relationship soon Outlook not so good
8316972 795183 Does R miss me My reply is no
8316971 795183 Will me and R reconcile Very doubtful
8316970 345767 Will I be arm wrestled by my soulmate in 2019? Outlook not so good
8316969 345767 Is there a planet of sissies somewhere among the cosmos? Without a doubt
8316968 345767 Is John Travolta a handsome man? Most likely
8316966 873107 Can I have the n word pass? Outlook good
8316963 345767 Is John Travolta going to play Superman anytime soon? Most likely
8316962 873107 Did I give consent? My sources say no
8316960 345767 Should they replace Jimmy Fallon with Jay Leno? Ask again later
8316952 873107 Should I wanna tonight? Yes
8316948 345767 Does anyone miss Borders Bookstores? Count on it
8316931 306507 Is he happy with the move It is decidedly so
8316905 975469 I am a guy? Signs point to yes
8316901 856018 Will I get t c c I t m I a f w? It is decidedly so
8316900 345767 am i right in believing nobody needs me ? My sources say no
8316899 345767 is it true that nobody needs me ? Reply hazy, try again
8316898 345767 am i unworthy of being dominated by a powerful woman As I see it, yes
8316897 345767 drat the luck Concentrate and ask again
8316896 345767 will i ever be clotheslined by a powerful woman Very doubtful
8316895 859452 Ще ме отреже ли Анастасия ? Signs point to yes
8316894 345767 it sounds like paradise to me My sources say no
8316893 345767 i often wonder how it feels to be suplexed by a powerful woman Very doubtful
8316881 345767 seriously wondering if i was made for these times Outlook not so good
8316880 345767 yet another beloved part of internet history gets lost to the ages :( Without a doubt
8316879 345767 i think it was a poor move on AOL's part to get rid of their instant messager system.. it was the one of the few good things about it Outlook good
8316875 345767 should i go back to using a dial up modem? My reply is no
8316866 635273 Will I Become President Of The United States Yes
8316858 345767 is instant gratification from technology really a viable substitute for the adrenaline rush of a mysterious journey? NO!