the Magic

will things go smoothly for us with Canadian customs in Montreal

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8317321 529411 will things go smoothly for us with Canadian customs in Montreal My sources say no
8317320 9330 will heather get a period before Monday? It is certain
8317319 624190 Ще имам ли 4 на теста по италиански Signs point to yes
8317318 345767 Am I always going to be miserable no matter what I do? Ask again later
8317317 14016 16 will drop for teatime today Outlook good
8317316 144808 Will Millie and I be in a relationship together again? Yes - definitely
8317315 14016 18 will drop for teatime today Count on it
8317314 14016 48 will drop for teatime today It is certain
8317313 14016 31 will drop for teatime today NO!
8317312 14016 5 will drop for teatime today Without a doubt
8317311 14016 Which winning numbers should I bet for teatime today Yes - definitely
8317310 505475 Wil her lovers bang my mouth? Outlook good
8317309 505475 Will sally cuchold me? It is certain
8317308 14016 19 will drop on teatime today NO!
8317307 14016 12 will drop on teatime today My sources say no
8317306 928433 will I have a romantic relationship with him? It is certain
8317305 289210 Gov't give my retrospective next paid tells truth As I see it, yes
8317304 289210 Gov't give my retrospective paid Very doubtful
8317303 9330 will Heather get a period by Monday? Outlook not so good
8317302 9330 will heather get a period by Monday? Reply hazy, try again
8317301 144808 Will Millie and I be an official couple again? Count on it
8317300 144808 Will Millie and I be a couple again? Not in a million years
8317299 192291 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Lucky Day Lotto Jackpot this afternoon? Count on it
8317298 192291 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Lucky Day Lotto Jackpot this afternoon? Concentrate and ask again
8317297 192291 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? NO!
8317296 241767 Does Gilbert hate white people? As I see it, yes
8317295 241767 Is Gilbert a racist? My reply is no
8317294 965366 Is lane about tone foref It is certain
8317293 14016 Blue is a bonus number of lunchtime today It is certain
8317292 14016 7 will play on lunchtime results today My sources say no
8317291 14016 33 will play on lunchtime results today Without a doubt
8317290 14016 What colour is the bonus of lunchtime today As I see it, yes
8317289 14016 What number will be bonus on lunchtime today Outlook not so good
8317288 14016 ball number 30 will be on lunchtime draw today Without a doubt
8317287 617697 Will he contact me again ? Outlook not so good
8317286 617697 Will he contact me? Concentrate and ask again
8317285 617697 Will he contact me? Concentrate and ask again
8317284 990296 Will we bang? Cannot predict now
8317283 990296 Will i go to this cottage someday Concentrate and ask again
8317281 990296 Will today be a good day Most likely
8317280 677181 Will God surprise me to be tonight’s sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot? Signs point to yes
8317279 819517 Is bonus ball today in colour red? Ask again later
8317278 819517 Is bonus ball today in colour green? It is certain
8317277 776565 Is Jala reading my Facebook post? Yes
8317276 776565 Is Jala reading my Facebook posts? Concentrate and ask again
8317275 776565 Is Jala reading my Facebook posts? Cannot predict now
8317274 776565 Is Jala watching my Facebook posts? Very doubtful
8317273 776565 Is Jala watching me? Yes
8317272 786866 It is because I am hsre Count on it
8317271 786866 Will I get away with lots of stuff at iwp Outlook good