the Magic

your losers are too ugly

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8321061 126076 your losers are too ugly It is certain
8321060 126076 you haven't done it yet Yes
8321059 248766 Fabiolawall talking Omwall and me, car, house, money and beauty As I see it, yes
8321058 126076 you have to attract Outlook good
8321057 126076 * shrugs * anyway... talkin to the hot chick. those are scary to you It is decidedly so
8321056 126076 you can't prove it to me in any real way Count on it
8321055 126076 naw, you're too ugly Not in a million years
8321054 126076 you don't attract It is certain
8321053 126076 gotta attract first Signs point to yes
8321052 126076 if that's what we're talking about... it's all ready to go ... It is certain
8321051 126076 I attracted s e x y leandra of the dennys Not in a million years
8321050 281594 is matt and anna going to ring you to see how things are going It is decidedly so
8321049 126076 anyway they call it the mutha f u k k a h 7 0 Signs point to yes
8321048 248766 Fabiolawall talking Omwall and me Count on it
8321047 248766 Fabiolawall talking Omwall now It is certain
8321046 248766 Fabiolawall talking me now or lying Not in a million years
8321045 248766 Fabiolawall talking me now Outlook not so good
8321044 126076 I f u k k like nacho My sources say no
8321043 126076 well it's more than adequate... it's like a small teen prostitute with nacho Signs point to yes
8321042 126076 I'd do it that way too Outlook not so good
8321041 126076 it's perfect for a young computer scientist such as your self Outlook good
8321040 248766 Alfreda Mosley home now,, tells truth Without a doubt
8321039 248766 Alfreda Mosley home now Yes
8321038 126076 it uses the mini though ... with extra motors Not in a million years
8321037 126076 well that's all here ... Outlook good
8321036 126076 there was a thru the air convo about the craze Signs point to yes
8321035 126076 I'm communicating with my Lucy? Count on it
8321034 221364 It's pretty Funny My reply is no
8321033 221364 We have some hysterical people here Signs point to yes
8321032 221364 Lmao people are psycho here but I love ya all Yes
8321031 230446 Share article Outlook not so good
8321030 230446 Share article Ask again later
8321029 434842 Is it weird that my sister is my Gf? Count on it
8321028 518940 Will Erin's interview go great today? Without a doubt
8321027 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying, situation, doing wrong ny, friend thando, mother Not in a million years
8321026 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying, situation, doing wrong ny, friend thando Not in a million years
8321025 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying, situation, doing wrong ny As I see it, yes
8321024 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying, situation, doing wrong Cannot predict now
8321023 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying, situation, doing Outlook not so good
8321022 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying, situation It is certain
8321021 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked, lying Yes
8321020 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed, talked NO!
8321019 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name, missed Yes
8321018 783588 Fabiolawall and girlfriend together yesterday talked Omawall and me, mentioned my name Signs point to yes
8321017 230446 Give frn10 percent disc Yes - definitely
8321016 230446 Give frn 8pct discount My sources say no
8321015 21495 Will Hillary Clinton be arrested? Outlook not so good
8321014 21495 Will Trump be re-elected? Count on it
8321013 21495 Am I moving back to the United States? Without a doubt
8321012 21495 Will I travel extensively? It is decidedly so