the Magic

Does Lucretia like me flirting with her

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8325455 995009 Does Lucretia like me flirting with her My sources say no
8325454 466197 When Olga is with her husband does she think of me As I see it, yes
8325452 505475 Will we need the lawyer for the house sale? My reply is no
8325451 505475 Are they wanted? Yes
8325450 505475 Should that person leave? My reply is no
8325449 1011298 Yes goodbye forever Yes
8325448 1011298 Well said. God bless you. Do it, retire Yes
8325447 345767 So this is going to be goodbye Not in a million years
8325446 345767 I can't help anyone or anything at all no matter what I do - I'm an emotional drain and this place would be better without my stupid posts wasting space Yes
8325445 345767 That's just the way it has to be. Maybe forever Signs point to yes
8325444 345767 I need to leave this place for everyone else's sake Outlook good
8325443 281594 is uncle George going to get upset when I tell him I wont be going over to his house anymore for good Without a doubt
8325442 345767 I just wanted someplace to go where I could talk about my feelings and not have to worry about being judged. But it will never happen It is decidedly so
8325441 281594 is uncle George going to get upset when I tell him I wont be going over to his house anymore Most likely
8325440 281594 is uncle George going to give the money for the car Count on it
8325439 281594 is uncle George going to ring you today after lunch NO!
8325438 345767 Sorry for wasting everyone's time like I always do Yes
8325437 345767 I don't deserve anyone's love. I need to leave this place for a while. Signs point to yes
8325436 345767 If you think I'm narcissistic then fine. That's what I am, and nothing I say or do will ever change it. I don't know why I bother if I just ruin everything. As If it wasn't obvious already, I am nothing but poison Reply hazy, try again
8325435 129015 M is hueying because of me Reply hazy, try again
8325434 129015 M is hurting because of me It is certain
8325433 129015 M thinking about what I told him My reply is no
8325432 129015 M thinkinf about what I told him Outlook good
8325431 164791 Tell hbtabtblkex Outlook not so good
8325430 129015 M is happy Outlook good
8325429 129015 M told his homeboys I called him Count on it
8325428 1011298 Life is good to me Without a doubt
8325427 129015 A told m that I hate him NO!
8325426 960878 Steve Smith stopped parked garage and drive neighborhood Yes
8325425 129015 M crying to his brother about me Count on it
8325424 129015 M is crying to his brother about me Outlook good
8325423 1011298 Narcissistic man no doubt about it It is decidedly so
8325422 960878 Steve Smith stopped parked garage and come neighborhood Outlook not so good
8325421 129015 R got the job today Yes
8325420 1011298 Your pity is out of place Without a doubt
8325419 129015 R got the job Better not tell you now
8325418 129015 M is happy that I called him My sources say no
8325417 960878 Steve Smith stopped parked garage Most likely
8325415 960878 Girls not parked car garage across me neighborhood now My sources say no
8325414 960878 Girlm not parked car garage across me now Concentrate and ask again
8325413 960878 Girlm noparked car garage across me now or lying Outlook good
8325412 960878 Girl parked car garage across me now or lying Outlook not so good
8325411 51010 Is Mary going to be fired? Count on it
8325410 51010 Is Ross going to be fired? It is certain
8325409 51010 Is Sharon going to be fired? Yes - definitely
8325408 960878 Girl parked car garage across me now Outlook good
8325407 51010 Are they all getting fired? Very doubtful
8325406 25443 See htmr Outlook good
8325405 25443 Is h the one ☝️ Outlook good
8325404 299270 Is this eight ball true NO!