the Magic

Girls lives behind me garage happy, lying, jealous me, pretty have car and house

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8344031 42419 Girls lives behind me garage happy, lying, jealous me, pretty have car and house Outlook not so good
8344030 42419 Girls lives behind me garage happy, lying, jealous me Outlook good
8344029 42419 Girls lives behind me garage happy, lying It is certain
8344028 42419 Girls lives behind me garage happy Outlook good
8344027 42419 Girl parked car garage across me certain Yes - definitely
8344026 42419 Steve smith unhappy It is decidedly so
8344025 618300 will J and I get married in the next 2 years Signs point to yes
8344024 618300 is LB pregnant with AF baby As I see it, yes
8344023 635273 Will I Become Ruler Of The Universe It is decidedly so
8344022 410435 Am I going to pay to get punished today Most likely
8344021 410435 Am I going to get punished again today Very doubtful
8344020 721236 should i have her keep growing? Outlook good
8344019 721236 should i send this message? Very doubtful
8344018 721236 send message? Outlook not so good
8344017 721236 should i go for the pit? Signs point to yes
8344016 721236 yes or no? Concentrate and ask again
8344015 721236 should i do the underwear? Outlook not so good
8344014 721236 should i go for an alt? It is decidedly so
8344012 164791 Let go of Kritika coming Saturday It is decidedly so
8344011 231559 really interested ? Outlook good
8344010 164791 Get rid of ktk Count on it
8344009 164791 Lay off ktknstdy Signs point to yes
8344008 164791 Lay off ktkostdy Outlook not so good
8344007 164791 Lay off ktkomdy Not in a million years
8344006 164791 Tell ktktinmbdgtasntgo Most likely
8344005 164791 Tell ktsnmbasntg As I see it, yes
8344004 87993 Da li cu zavrsiti fakultet ove godine Count on it
8344003 809815 Is God seriously just gonna let us be evicted yet again? NO!
8343984 231559 true or false ? Yes - definitely
8343983 231559 yes or no ? Count on it
8343982 505475 Should i beat my little worthless sissy boy doll off now in the yard? Not in a million years
8343981 786866 Will she love herself and lose weight As I see it, yes
8343980 786866 Will my daughter love herselg Better not tell you now
8343979 786866 Will she end up cleaning up very well My sources say no
8343978 786866 I will my daughter start cleaning up after herself Yes - definitely
8343969 786866 Will it be when I decrease my stress Outlook good
8343968 351351 Will I ever be able to speak Arabic? Reply hazy, try again
8343967 786866 Will my hair grow back real soon It is certain
8343966 892437 Rhonda called me today talked omw, went and me and omw get together It is certain
8343963 809815 Will we miraculously somehow get to keep our current home? Signs point to yes
8343960 786866 Will my hubby say she hates me right now Not in a million years
8343958 786866 Will I have a good evening Very doubtful
8343956 892437 Rhonda Hyman called me today, talked omw Yes
8343955 786866 Will I get my toes done soon It is decidedly so
8343951 892437 Someone asked me, carey, omwall Signs point to yes
8343950 892437 Someone asked me, carey Cannot predict now
8343949 892437 Someone asked me Count on it
8343948 812215 Will God answer my prayers the way I’m really hoping He will? NO!
8343947 812215 Will we have anywhere to go? It is decidedly so
8343946 812215 Will God intervene on our behalf and miraculously bless us to keep our current home? My reply is no