the Magic

Will Alin live a long healthy life?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8348266 118815 Will Alin live a long healthy life? Yes
8348265 171651 Will I a b a t w w a d? My reply is no
8348264 118815 Will Alin leave a long healthy life? It is certain
8348263 118815 Does Alin have health issues? Not in a million years
8348262 118815 am I physically healthy? Not in a million years
8348261 118815 am I perfectly healthy? Outlook good
8348260 171651 I will b a t w w a d? Better not tell you now
8348259 171651 Will I a b o s a g I m f? As I see it, yes
8348258 171651 Is h a h a g t f m c? Outlook good
8348257 171651 Is n h a s I m f I m c? Most likely
8348256 27654 Make mdsnortditms My reply is no
8348255 27654 Elite of the elite Count on it
8348254 27654 Tell hbttplwnor It is decidedly so
8348253 27654 Tell hbttcpltmr My reply is no
8348252 27654 Tell hbtimh Outlook not so good
8348251 27654 Eat instant noodle It is decidedly so
8348250 398490 Do I like Dan8el Laguna Yes - definitely
8348249 398490 Am I good looking Better not tell you now
8348248 398490 Am I pregnant Outlook good
8348247 398490 Does Daniel Ragusa like me Signs point to yes
8348246 1022118 a medical staffing agency? Ask again later
8348245 1022118 would I go to a staffing company? It is certain
8348244 1022118 then it would be there business? NO!
8348243 1022118 do I work thru an agency to get me the work? Yes - definitely
8348242 1022118 is referrals the best way? My reply is no
8348241 1022118 is there an easy way to start doing this work for myself? Outlook not so good
8348240 1022118 is a good place to look for senior care jobs? My sources say no
8348239 1022118 could I get each client to pay at least $350 a week? Outlook not so good
8348238 1022118 could I get each client to pay at least $350 a week? Concentrate and ask again
8348237 1022118 could I get each client to pay $400 or more a week? Very doubtful
8348236 1022118 would I make at least 36k a year with 2 clients? Better not tell you now
8348235 1022118 with 2 clients would I make at least 40k a year? Outlook not so good
8348234 1022118 with 2 clients will I ever make 45k a year? Ask again later
8348233 1022118 with 2 clients will I ever make 50k a year? My sources say no
8348232 1022118 would I have the same clients for the next 5 years? Without a doubt
8348231 1022118 could I do this business for the next 5 years? Most likely
8348230 1022118 is she leaning that way? Most likely
8348229 1022118 will Rachael send me over to Mountain View to work? Cannot predict now
8348228 1022118 will I be dating within 2 years? Most likely
8348227 1022118 will I be dating a guy within 2 years? Concentrate and ask again
8348226 1022118 will I date a guy next year? Better not tell you now
8348225 1022118 will I work 6 days a week? Yes - definitely
8348224 1022118 will I have to work 7 days a week? My sources say no
8348223 1022118 will I work more than 5 days a week? Yes - definitely
8348222 1022118 will I claim all the money I make from the business? It is certain
8348221 1022118 will I have 2 clients right away? Without a doubt
8348220 1022118 will I have just 1 client at first? Outlook not so good
8348219 1022118 will I be able to get my business off the ground this fall? Yes
8348218 1022118 will Sarah flip out when she sees my birth records? As I see it, yes
8348216 1022118 was I more than 3 months premature? Outlook not so good