the Magic

Was t h w s a g s o w t t c f u l s s s n?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8376180 684166 Was t h w s a g s o w t t c f u l s s s n? Count on it
8376179 684166 Is e I a w a g t b f p a I a g w f u v v s? It is certain
8376178 684166 Is I a g t b v f v s w I c t o f s? Yes
8376173 908621 Does she regret it Count on it
8376172 908621 Did we go to a swimming pool today It is decidedly so
8376171 908621 Will ashawni get into St Mary’s Without a doubt
8376170 908621 Will ashawni get into Coventry uni NO!
8376169 908621 Will alban get into st Mary’s Signs point to yes
8376168 908621 Will alban make it into Brunel tomorrow Very doubtful
8376167 908621 Will alban make it on YouTube Ask again later
8376165 908621 Will I marry Georgia Yes
8376163 908621 Will Sophie break up with her boyfriend It is decidedly so
8376161 908621 Will alban date Sophie Signs point to yes
8376158 178596 Will he ruin the rest of my holiday? It is certain
8376157 178596 Is he looking to cheat? Without a doubt
8376156 178596 Will he be horrible to me when he comes back? Yes
8376155 908621 Will I marry Georgia Yes
8376154 178596 Has he eaten? Cannot predict now
8376153 908621 Will I marry Georgia Yes - definitely
8376152 178596 Will he come back after football? Outlook good
8376151 12469 Will i suceed with the automation tasks Outlook good
8376149 908621 Will I marry Georgia Yes - definitely
8376148 178596 Has his mum given him money? Count on it
8376147 908621 Will I marry Georgia Better not tell you now
8376146 178596 Is he feeling bad? As I see it, yes
8376144 178596 Does he feel bad? Concentrate and ask again
8376141 312046 Is Kelly still getting. High Signs point to yes
8376139 312046 Is medley still getting high Not in a million years
8376136 43005 is eric gonna try too talk too me next month ? It is decidedly so
8376135 43005 is eric gonna try too talk too me in 2 weeks ? My sources say no
8376134 43005 is Eric gonna try too talk too me next week ? Not in a million years
8376133 333079 will i have any more audits after I pay this one? Yes
8376132 333079 will I have any more tax audits after this? As I see it, yes
8376131 333079 will Heather get more work hours next week? NO!
8376130 312046 Will the unit stop getting high NO!
8376129 43005 was eric trying too get close too me today ? As I see it, yes
8376128 312046 Wil the girls get the big picture As I see it, yes
8376125 312046 Will they say Mrs tee is not playing with PLUS Not in a million years
8376124 312046 Will the ladies stop doing so much in the program Signs point to yes
8376123 312046 Is this approach going to work My sources say no
8376122 312046 Is turner mad I put plus onlockdown My sources say no
8376121 718279 Should I go home tonight? Concentrate and ask again
8376120 417378 Will she message me before 5:30? Most likely
8376108 209684 Will Olga and I make love again It is decidedly so
8376107 209684 Will Olga and I make love on Friday Not in a million years
8376106 209684 Will Olga and I make love Friday My reply is no
8376104 449358 the meksiko Yes
8376101 261297 Is Jala thinking about me? Yes
8376100 261297 Is Jala missing me? Most likely
8376099 261297 Is Jala expecting more from me? Signs point to yes