the Magic

Does he know he has to come clean?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8410813 977840 Does he know he has to come clean? Yes - definitely
8410812 977840 Does he realise what he has done? Without a doubt
8410811 977840 Is he sleeping? Yes - definitely
8410810 977840 Is he avoiding me? My reply is no
8410808 977840 Was she better than me? Yes
8410807 977840 Does he want her as his girlfriend? NO!
8410806 977840 Does she think I she will be his girlfriend? It is decidedly so
8410805 977840 Is she deluded? It is decidedly so
8410804 977840 Has she finally realised he dont want her? Not in a million years
8410803 990296 Should I apply to pizza nova Ask again later
8410802 977840 Did she deny it? Yes
8410801 977840 Did he go mad at her? Most likely
8410800 977840 Are they still seeing each other? NO!
8410799 977840 Has he spoken to her? Without a doubt
8410798 977840 Is he ignoring me? Count on it
8410797 977840 Is he with her? Not in a million years
8410795 677016 Lyles doing goods works NO!
8410794 677016 Clifton mo section doings goods, lying or yes and no My sources say no
8410793 990296 Will this ever get easier Yes
8410792 764059 Will Kareem call me Ask again later
8410791 764059 Will Kareem call me Count on it
8410790 658062 vidqhte li be bokluci... koi e nai golemiq tsar :-P Yes - definitely
8410789 764059 Is Kareem in love with me Yes - definitely
8410788 764059 Is Kareem at his house Yes - definitely
8410787 764059 Is Kareem at his house Yes - definitely
8410786 677016 Clifton mo section doings goods, lying Without a doubt
8410785 658062 I think that I am the greatest person ever lived... Without a doubt
8410784 677016 Clifton mo section doings goods It is certain
8410782 764059 Will see Kareem on mondayt Count on it
8410781 764059 Will see Kareem on mondayt Without a doubt
8410776 990296 Will I do a new talize store Count on it
8410775 990296 Will they move Without a doubt
8410773 990296 Will I finalize the lease As I see it, yes
8410772 990296 Will I finalize dollarama My reply is no
8410764 990296 Will I get 16 million for Canadian tore Most likely
8410763 990296 Will I get commissions Yes
8410762 990296 Will talize do the store in Oakville Yes - definitely
8410761 990296 Will Telus stay Outlook good
8410759 990296 Will the Hamilton store be ok Yes
8410758 990296 Will the Kitchener store be ok Yes - definitely
8410757 990296 Will I renew al the leases My reply is no
8410756 105939 Will they get divorced? Yes
8410755 719498 Will I play there in November? It is decidedly so
8410754 333079 will neighbor ask me out? Outlook not so good
8410753 333079 will i date the new neighbor? As I see it, yes
8410752 333079 will i start dating soon? Outlook good
8410751 775009 Jo , omw and me married Count on it
8410750 535866 Will Jose and I facetime soon? Most likely
8410749 642362 Rhonda hy believes me and omw together, lying Yes - definitely
8410748 642362 Rhonda hy believes me and omw together, lying Outlook good