the Magic

Does Kareem wants to see me tomorrow

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8411136 764059 Does Kareem wants to see me tomorrow My sources say no
8411135 764059 Does Kareem wants to make me his girl Yes
8411134 764059 Is Kareem mad at me As I see it, yes
8411133 958047 Is everything fine It is certain
8411132 958047 Am I just being moody and tired Very doubtful
8411131 958047 Is he crazy about me Without a doubt
8411130 958047 Is he missing me a lot right now Most likely
8411129 958047 Is he super in love with me Signs point to yes
8411128 958047 Is he also feeling like somethings up Outlook good
8411127 1039688 I will get bad news tonight about centenary hospital Without a doubt
8411126 1039688 I will get bad news tonight about money My sources say no
8411125 1039688 I will get bad news tonight about centenary hospital Reply hazy, try again
8411124 1039688 I will get bad news tonight about my dj system My reply is no
8411123 1039688 I will get bad news tonight about money Concentrate and ask again
8411122 1039688 I will get bad news tonight about my health Signs point to yes
8411121 1039688 I will get bad news tonight Most likely
8411120 1039688 I will get good news tonight My sources say no
8411119 990296 Will I get it all done this week Yes
8411118 990296 Will I get clients My sources say no
8411117 437192 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? As I see it, yes
8411116 437192 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My reply is no
8411111 724033 Beto going to kiss me Most likely
8411110 724033 Beto going to kiss me Not in a million years
8411109 724033 Beto going to kiss me soon My sources say no
8411108 724033 Beto thinking about me Count on it
8411107 724033 Beto thinking about what happened Friday Yes - definitely
8411106 818422 21 is this uk49 bonus ball for tonight Ask again later
8411105 818422 33 is this uk49 bonus ball for tonight Outlook good
8411104 818422 14 is this uk49 teatime bonus ball Better not tell you now
8411103 818422 Is 28 uk49 bonus ball for teatime Very doubtful
8411100 764059 Did Kareem go out yesterday with Gina As I see it, yes
8411096 764059 Is he looking forward to see me Outlook good
8411094 764059 Is he looking forward to see me Ask again later
8411093 764059 Is he looking forward to see me Signs point to yes
8411092 764059 Is Kareem looking forward to see me Concentrate and ask again
8411091 764059 Will I see Kareem tomorrow Signs point to yes
8411090 764059 Will I see Kareem tomorrow Outlook good
8411089 764059 Is Kareem sleeping Without a doubt
8411075 184665 Will the check clear tomorrow? It is certain
8411073 764059 Is Kareem still seeing gina It is decidedly so
8411071 764059 Is Kareem still seeing the girl gina Ask again later
8411070 764059 Is Kareem still seeing the girl gina My reply is no
8411069 764059 Is Kareem still seeing the girl gina Reply hazy, try again
8411068 764059 Is Kareem still seeing the girl gina Signs point to yes
8411051 857763 Did L say don t play that song Yes - definitely
8411048 857763 Was L calling in d in heaven Yes
8411047 857763 Was L calling for d in heaven Concentrate and ask again
8411046 857763 Was L looking d in a white dress Most likely
8411044 857763 Was L happy to see me in heaven My reply is no
8411042 784651 If I sleep with Chnt, will I satisfy her? Yes