the Magic

should i buy it ?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8420611 231559 should i buy it ? Yes
8420610 231559 yes or no ? Outlook good
8420609 227260 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Most likely
8420608 227260 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Signs point to yes
8420607 227260 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Not in a million years
8420606 227260 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Ask again later
8420605 227260 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Cannot predict now
8420604 227260 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My sources say no
8420603 333079 does he just want to be friends? My reply is no
8420602 333079 does he just want to be friends? Very doubtful
8420601 181934 Does ray watson miss me Without a doubt
8420600 333079 will Adam ask Heather out today? Outlook not so good
8420599 877686 will she go NO!
8420598 877686 will she be caught out NO!
8420597 877686 will she admit her lies NO!
8420596 877686 will we be rid of the troublemaker Ask again later
8420595 724033 Beto has me on his mind It is decidedly so
8420594 724033 Beto thinking of me NO!
8420593 724033 Beto has a dream about me Yes - definitely
8420592 724033 Beto has a dream about me Ask again later
8420591 724033 Beto has a dream about me last night Cannot predict now
8420590 724033 Beto thinking about Maria Very doubtful
8420589 724033 Beto thinking about me Not in a million years
8420588 448505 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Outlook not so good
8420587 448505 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Reply hazy, try again
8420586 448505 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Cannot predict now
8420585 448505 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Signs point to yes
8420584 427428 Is he going to Rutland again to sit in Denny's instead of being with me? Outlook not so good
8420583 427428 did Ken go out already? It is decidedly so
8420582 764631 does arja hate me Not in a million years
8420581 764631 does arja hate me Better not tell you now
8420580 764631 does arja love me My sources say no
8420579 747334 Steve Smith not door me Very doubtful
8420578 747334 Steve smith white van lady yellowish house now Better not tell you now
8420577 747334 Steve smith lady yellow house now yes or no Cannot predict now
8420576 747334 Steve smith lady yellow house now yes or no Outlook good
8420575 747334 Lady Mitsubishi blue car drove my blocked yesterday yes or no Outlook not so good
8420574 747334 Lady Mitsubishi droves my blocked again Count on it
8420573 747334 Lady Mitsubishi droves my blocked again NO!
8420572 747334 Squirrel dead out my bedroom now Most likely
8420571 747334 squirrel dead my middle bedroom truth now or lying Ask again later
8420570 747334 squirrel dead my middle bedroom truth now Outlook not so good
8420569 747334 squirrel dead my middle bedroom truth now Without a doubt
8420568 333079 will I keep my current employer for the next year? Very doubtful
8420567 27654 Stay awkftwkd Count on it
8420566 27654 Come back awosdy Very doubtful
8420565 427428 I guess Ken will do his errands and go visit some friends instead of me right? Very doubtful
8420564 427428 so should I forget about the possibility of Ken coming today? Without a doubt
8420563 427428 or is Ken coming here tomorrow? Outlook good
8420562 427428 is Ken planning on coming heretoday? It is decidedly so