the Magic

geeez... when M. said panicking at the letter of recommendation " don't use this guy ! "

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8424796 683753 geeez... when M. said panicking at the letter of recommendation " don't use this guy ! " Yes - definitely
8424795 683753 then look at pictures... 1995... no, 1994... no ... 1993 Very doubtful
8424794 683753 I had no respect for you ten minutes ago Yes - definitely
8424793 683753 put in paul simon Slip Slidin Away as the jew drives onto the campus in his 1992 toyota corolla in 96 and 97 NO!
8424792 683753 a dead n i g g e r jew ... a terrible waste of the word n i g g e r As I see it, yes
8424791 683753 a dead n i g g e r jew ... a terrible waste of the word n i g g e r Most likely
8424790 683753 a dead n i g g e r jew ... a terrible waste of the word n i g g e r Yes
8424789 683753 you almost died Count on it
8424788 683753 you almost died Concentrate and ask again
8424787 683753 you almost died Concentrate and ask again
8424786 683753 you almost died As I see it, yes
8424785 683753 you were stabbed by the 1992 toyota corolla Outlook not so good
8424784 541572 Will they renew us It is certain
8424783 683753 so you got stabbed for being an ugly jew Not in a million years
8424782 683753 or was it your ex wife the blonde Scandinavian appalled by your ugly fat b i t c h collection in your meditation sitting group It is decidedly so
8424781 683753 or was it your ex wife the blonde Scandinavian appalled by your ugly fat b i t c h collection in your meditation sitting group Signs point to yes
8424780 683753 or was it your ex wife the blonde Scandinavian appalled by your ugly fat b i t c h collection in your meditation sitting group Cannot predict now
8424779 683753 they're doing us all a favor by knifing jewish people in parking lots NO!
8424778 683753 they're doing us all a favor by knifing jewish people in parking lots Signs point to yes
8424777 683753 they're doing us all a favor by knifing jewish people in parking lots My reply is no
8424776 683753 they're doing us all a favor by knifing jewish people in parking lots Without a doubt
8424775 683753 so who did it?the new SS organization didn't like you saying " the flour corporation " all day long Signs point to yes
8424774 683753 ugly jewish people get p u n k e d and F U K K E D a lot ! Ask again later
8424773 683753 he sticks his colostomy bag in there and hopes for hot chicks My sources say no
8424772 683753 dr prystowsky has a hole in his side that's fused healed to the outside skin Reply hazy, try again
8424771 683753 ugly jewish people My reply is no
8424770 683753 did you notice nobody that respects or fears white supremacist gang members in the United States Yes - definitely
8424769 578452 Did he notice I have unblocked him? Not in a million years
8424768 683753 another ugly p u n k b i t c h that needs to die tolh3g8 Yes - definitely
8424767 683753 take a look at these ugly p u n k b i t c h e s ... they're all 2 steps away from being shot in the face wslpjh8 It is decidedly so
8424766 683753 ugly p u n k b i t c h SHUT yer ugly a s s up NO!
8424765 27654 Get the items in on Thursday As I see it, yes
8424764 27654 Get the items in on Thursday Outlook good
8424763 683753 there is NO white supremacy in the United States of America. NO!
8424762 683753 remember, the KKK doesn't exist. if you find a bald headed skin head , remind him verbally that he's dead Yes
8424761 683753 remember, the KKK doesn't exist. if you find a bald headed skin head , remind him verbally that he's dead Signs point to yes
8424760 683753 remember, the KKK doesn't exist. if you find a bald headed skin head , remind him verbally that he's dead Count on it
8424759 683753 your police officer got shot in the face for being too ugly Without a doubt
8424758 683753 cops don't have the balls or the spine. Cannot predict now
8424757 683753 ugly mexican can't attract s e x y chicks. your face is too ugly. Yes - definitely
8424756 683753 ugly mexican can't attract s e x y chicks. your face is too ugly. Reply hazy, try again
8424755 683753 I p u n k so many green shirts that I don't even think about doing anything else :) Signs point to yes
8424753 683753 I don't like your green t-shirts. you're gonna get shot wearing those Concentrate and ask again
8424752 683753 the KKK doesn't exist as a p u s s y measure Signs point to yes
8424751 683753 ugly pigs out there ... they don't have the balls Outlook good
8424749 683753 ugly losers can't attract a hot chick As I see it, yes
8424748 683753 your son is so ugly Mr d i p s h i t Outlook not so good
8424747 683753 you ugly cops better stay in hiding, ... if you show me your badge, I'm taking it from you My reply is no
8424744 683753 keep your cops in hiding. if you show me your badge I'm taking it from you. Count on it
8424743 683753 your ugly mexican didn't have the looks to attract. ugly jewish people. Count on it