the Magic

Does Arin have feelings for Alin?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8425038 118815 Does Arin have feelings for Alin? It is decidedly so
8425037 118815 Does Arin regret losing Alin? My reply is no
8425036 16379 is jhony attracted to me? It is certain
8425034 16379 does johny likes me? Cannot predict now
8425033 118815 Does Ara want Alin? Not in a million years
8425032 16379 are we gonna be a couple? As I see it, yes
8425030 118815 Does Edgar want Alin for his future? It is certain
8425029 724033 Beto sending his people to spy on me today after work Yes - definitely
8425028 118815 Does Edgar want Alin? Yes - definitely
8425026 724033 Beto sending his people to spy on me after work My reply is no
8425024 118815 is Aren fond of Alin? Signs point to yes
8425023 118815 Does Arin love Alin? Yes
8425022 118815 Is Arin jealous of Alin? As I see it, yes
8425020 118815 Does Arin want Alin? NO!
8425019 118815 Does Arin want his ex back? My reply is no
8425017 118815 Will Arin and Anifa divorce? Very doubtful
8425016 118815 Is Arin happy with Anifa? Outlook not so good
8425015 118815 Will I get married one day? Outlook good
8425013 118815 Will I find love? Very doubtful
8425010 540637 hello new york =) Not in a million years
8425007 724033 Beto thinking I’m seeing someone else Yes
8425006 724033 Beto really wondering why I am not talking to him anymore It is certain
8425005 724033 Beto taking to A about me Outlook good
8425004 724033 If I start dating someone else Beto be jealous It is decidedly so
8425003 724033 Beto missing me It is certain
8425002 724033 Beto thinking about me My reply is no
8425001 1042218 I will get bad news today Very doubtful
8425000 1042218 I will receive bad news today? Cannot predict now
8424999 432874 So will pf contact me sometime within the next week Yes - definitely
8424998 432874 Does pf want me to contact her now Outlook good
8424992 882326 Will a romance between me and Samantha last long? As I see it, yes
8424991 882326 Would a romantic relationship go well between Samantha and me? NO!
8424990 882326 Would a relationship go well between me and Samantha? Very doubtful
8424989 1042218 I will get bad news today? NO!
8424988 1042218 I will get good news today? My sources say no
8424987 882326 Does Samantha show me signs that she wants me to make the first move? Yes - definitely
8424986 882326 Does Samantha want to know more about me? Yes
8424985 882326 Is Samantha interested in me? My sources say no
8424984 882326 Is Samantha single? Without a doubt
8424983 372307 Will we sell over 80% of stock at cat lovers Signs point to yes
8424982 680807 Should I move forward with Chris? Yes - definitely
8424981 680807 Do I need to move forward without Greg? Yes - definitely
8424980 182352 Would Tami agree to jerk me off Outlook not so good
8424978 182352 Would Tami give me a handjob for pecans Reply hazy, try again
8424977 385103 Are all of my fears and worries unfounded? NO!
8424976 680807 Does Chris want a personal relationship with me? It is decidedly so
8424975 680807 Does Greg want a personal relationship with me? Not in a million years
8424974 834544 Does er sleep better after we say goodnight Without a doubt
8424973 745593 omw wal don't real friends, cried nights, thinking me now, certain, yea Yes - definitely
8424972 745593 omw wal don't real friends, cried nights, thinks me, certain, yea Concentrate and ask again