the Magic

Jamai omw crying

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8430000 992537 Jamai omw crying Yes - definitely
8429999 992537 Jamai omw only guys immediate family, certain Ask again later
8429998 992537 Jamai omw only guys immediate family It is certain
8429997 23381 am i going to find a solution to fix my alcatel onetouch phone Outlook good
8429996 512665 Does Hakim A. love me like I love him? Yes
8429995 512665 Does Hakim love me? Outlook not so good
8429994 512665 Does. Hakim. Love. Me. ? NO!
8429993 503751 If I start dating someone Beto be mad Outlook good
8429992 512665 Does Hakim love me? Not in a million years
8429991 503751 Beto thinking I’m seeing someone Reply hazy, try again
8429990 503751 Beto thinking I’m seeing someone else Better not tell you now
8429989 503751 Beto wondering what I am doing Count on it
8429988 503751 Beto wondering what I’m doing Cannot predict now
8429987 503751 Beto wondering what I’m doing Outlook not so good
8429986 724033 She the one who told her mom about alexis It is certain
8429985 724033 She the one who told her mom about alexis Cannot predict now
8429984 414757 Will God mercifully bless us to keep our current home this time around? Without a doubt
8429983 184665 Will God mercifully bless us to keep our current home this time around? It is decidedly so
8429982 907700 Should I tell here I feel? Concentrate and ask again
8429981 724033 Beto is obsessed with me Count on it
8429980 724033 Beto is obsessed with me Better not tell you now
8429979 724033 Beto is obsessed with me Concentrate and ask again
8429978 724033 Beto is obsessed with me Outlook good
8429977 724033 Beto is obsessed with me It is decidedly so
8429976 724033 Beto has feelings for me My sources say no
8429975 724033 Beto has feelings for me Cannot predict now
8429974 724033 Beto not leaving his wife Count on it
8429973 724033 Beto goes to the next door neighbor Most likely
8429972 724033 Beto with other women Not in a million years
8429971 724033 Beto at home NO!
8429970 503751 Beto thinking about me Without a doubt
8429969 998516 Will my body look more slim Not in a million years
8429968 998516 Will my hair look fabulous My sources say no
8429967 998516 Will I look more beautiful Ask again later
8429966 349026 Will the missing ten dollar bill from last night be found in the house? Outlook good
8429965 998516 Will I have a laser eye procedure My reply is no
8429964 998516 Will my hair grow like a young girl My sources say no
8429963 998516 Will my hair grow like crazy My sources say no
8429962 998516 Willl he stop eating spice Outlook not so good
8429961 998516 Will he get rid of the spice Cannot predict now
8429960 181934 Does ray love me As I see it, yes
8429959 48270 Lucy... that's my new girlfriend at the walmart ugqgl8y Most likely
8429958 998516 Will my son say the house is gorgepus It is certain
8429957 998516 Will the new house stay clean Yes - definitely
8429956 998516 Will the new house be lovely and very clean Very doubtful
8429955 998516 Will I love all the way the new home comes together My sources say no
8429954 998516 Will the new razors be st target tomorrow Yes
8429953 998516 Will the new razors be in tomorrow Not in a million years
8429952 998516 Will the new house follow a new job just for me Outlook not so good
8429951 998516 Will the new house bring huge blessings Yes