the Magic

Should I make a drag wish list on Amazon?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8450542 681375 Should I make a drag wish list on Amazon? Outlook good
8450541 681375 Should I make a drag queen wish list on Amazon? Ask again later
8450540 681375 Will I come out in 2020? My sources say no
8450539 681375 Should I come out? My reply is no
8450537 681375 Would a life being a queen be better for me? Yes
8450536 681375 Should I be a drag queen? Count on it
8450535 204132 Is life going to get better for me? Yes - definitely
8450534 204132 Does Hakim love me? Signs point to yes
8450533 707160 Bonus ball tomorrow's is 21 Yes - definitely
8450532 707160 Bonus ball tomorrow's is 20 Reply hazy, try again
8450531 707160 Bonus ball tomorrow's is 19 As I see it, yes
8450530 707160 Bonus ball tomorrow's is 18 Signs point to yes
8450529 707160 Bonus ball tomorrow's is 17 Yes - definitely
8450528 707160 Bonus ball tomorrow's is 16 Very doubtful
8450527 707160 Bonus ball 12 Signs point to yes
8450526 856031 does she love me Outlook good
8450525 843772 Will t s s c t c o h a c t w t c v h ? NO!
8450524 843772 Am I g t g I a t ? Better not tell you now
8450523 843772 Will a o t r h? It is certain
8450522 843772 Will t a m o n? Yes - definitely
8450521 843772 It w a b f w n I f m? Outlook not so good
8450520 843772 Will s d g a g h n c t w n I? NO!
8450519 681375 Should I make a drag gear list on Amazon? Without a doubt
8450518 681375 If I make a list on Amazon will I get caught? Count on it
8450517 681375 If I make an amazon wish list will i become a drag queen? As I see it, yes
8450516 681375 Am I supposed to be a drag queen? Most likely
8450515 681375 Should I embrace being a drag queen? Outlook not so good
8450514 843772 Will I g a h d o a h c f s s a b t e o t w? Outlook good
8450513 843772 If I c m b a w I g a h s t? Not in a million years
8450512 843772 Will s h t g t r f d I o g t c t? Very doubtful
8450511 843772 She will g t c a b f t ? NO!
8450510 843772 It w b f w n I ? Very doubtful
8450509 843772 Will t b a I f t t t c t? Outlook not so good
8450508 843772 Will m m g h t n c t w n I? Ask again later
8450507 2365 Does he love me? Ask again later
8450506 2365 Is he who he portrays himself to be? Yes - definitely
8450505 2365 Is he right for me? Most likely
8450504 282310 Beto missing me Most likely
8450503 282310 Beto at work today Without a doubt
8450502 505351 are Ken and I going to get together this week at all? Signs point to yes
8450501 505351 should I wait a little while to go out? Very doubtful
8450500 505351 so should I head out to the store on my own then? My reply is no
8450499 505351 will Rita call me back today soon? Not in a million years
8450498 505351 so he is just ignoring my messages I sent him on Skype? Outlook not so good
8450497 505351 is Ken home now? As I see it, yes
8450496 505351 is he working in the barn now? My sources say no
8450495 505351 has Ken gone out to Rutland already today? Not in a million years
8450494 625203 Does Natalie like Max Yes - definitely
8450493 625203 Does Megan like me NO!
8450492 27321 will i do ok with Hum Care calls in 2020? Outlook good