the Magic

Is that all it proved?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8452065 930701 Is that all it proved? Count on it
8452064 930701 Did that prove it? Not in a million years
8452063 930701 Is that the bad news? Count on it
8452062 930701 Dgfdfffc vgfff? Without a doubt
8452061 930701 Is that what the problem really was? Count on it
8452060 930701 Is that what the problem really was? Reply hazy, try again
8452059 687499 Is this accurate? NO!
8452058 687499 Does he love me? Yes - definitely
8452057 687499 Is Jamie just using me to get on his feet? Yes - definitely
8452056 687499 Should I hide money from him too Cannot predict now
8452051 204132 Does Hakim love me like I love him? Outlook good
8452050 204132 Are there people who are jealous of me? As I see it, yes
8452049 930701 Did ghhgg just fhffgcvv vggcvv? Yes - definitely
8452048 930701 Did ghcjk just wanted it to happen? Cannot predict now
8452047 930701 Did ghgcv just wanted it to happen? Concentrate and ask again
8452046 930701 Was ggfff waiting for it? My reply is no
8452045 930701 Fhhdfhgff cggcccfc? It is certain
8452039 295433 Doezborwlandknowhe mustgetmovies Without a doubt
8452038 930701 Dghdcvv fggdfff? It is certain
8452037 930701 Fghfdfff fffccc? Yes
8452036 295433 Does she say we didtoomuch My reply is no
8452035 295433 Does she know I wont Yes - definitely
8452034 295433 Does Chris wish I would tell her about. Her son It is decidedly so
8452033 449154 Will it all be good Signs point to yes
8452032 218786 it must be its face! As I see it, yes
8452031 218786 thass sad Yes - definitely
8452030 218786 your mexican didn't attract Without a doubt
8452029 92844 Will it be for poor health Count on it
8452028 92844 Will cee die young It is decidedly so
8452027 92844 Will the doctor cure cee My reply is no
8452026 66767 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Signs point to yes
8452025 92844 Will cee get a huge settlement soon My reply is no
8452024 92844 Will I pay all cards down Not in a million years
8452023 92844 Will this save me It is decidedly so
8452022 92844 Will I pay more money to credit cards Yes
8452021 92844 Will he say wow I was wrong It is decidedly so
8452020 92844 Will he learn I had nothing to do with it Without a doubt
8452019 92844 Will he always feel that way Yes
8452018 92844 Does he think I am the reason he left PLUS It is decidedly so
8452017 92844 Is he wrong Very doubtful
8452016 92844 Does Dee think I do not like him Count on it
8452015 92844 It is because she is messy It is certain
8452014 92844 Does Cynthia think I do not like her It is certain
8452013 606705 Wii drop today on lunchtime Yes
8452012 606705 Bonus ball today for lunch will be low Not in a million years
8452009 606705 Today bonus for lunch will be high Yes
8452008 606705 Uk49 lunch bonus for today will be loe Very doubtful
8452007 606705 Bonus for lunch today will be loe Concentrate and ask again
8452006 606705 Today bonus for lunch will be high It is certain
8452005 606705 Today bonus for lunch will be low It is certain