the Magic

Did Trevor stare at my butt as I walked away?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8463411 566417 Did Trevor stare at my butt as I walked away? My reply is no
8463410 962879 Did my lawyers received there 6000.00 payment? Outlook not so good
8463409 962879 Will I get a paper check this month from social security? My sources say no
8463361 139808 Is he having conversations he shouldn't be with other women? Yes - definitely
8463360 139808 Is he talking to someone else? Cannot predict now
8463359 139808 Is he lying? As I see it, yes
8463332 534259 Will everything work out It is decidedly so
8463291 962879 Will I get a paper check this month from social security? Count on it
8463289 962879 Will I get a paper check this month,? Most likely
8463288 962879 Did we get mail today? My reply is no
8463287 962879 Did we get mail today? My sources say no
8463217 784059 Beto thinking about me Outlook not so good
8463214 784059 Jose almost finished It is decidedly so
8463212 601467 Beto thinking that I am mad at him My sources say no
8463211 601467 Beto thinking that I am mad at bim Ask again later
8463175 602657 Beto missing me My sources say no
8463173 602657 Beto missing me It is certain
8463172 602657 Beto thinking about me Outlook not so good
8463171 602657 Beto thinking about daysi Outlook not so good
8463170 602657 He is almost done It is certain
8463169 602657 Beto thinking I’m in trouble Yes - definitely
8463168 602657 Daysi told Beto that I called jose It is decidedly so
8463167 602657 Beto is jealous when Jose talking to me Signs point to yes
8463166 602657 Beto think that Jose has something with me It is decidedly so
8463165 602657 Beto is jealous Count on it
8463164 602657 Beto thinking that Jose and me have something going on Count on it
8463163 602657 Beto thinking that me and jose have something going on Without a doubt
8463162 602657 Beto wondering why I am ignoring him Most likely
8463161 602657 Beto thinking why I’m ignoring him Very doubtful
8463160 602657 Beto over me My reply is no
8463159 602657 Beto worried about me It is certain
8463158 92226 Is tomorrow lunchtime bonus ball green It is certain
8463157 918932 Should we buy that house? Yes - definitely
8463156 92226 Is lunchtime bonus ball tomorrow red Outlook good
8463155 92226 What is the next lunchtime bonus ball colour NO!
8463154 261533 Will I get my new test date in 3 weeks It is certain
8463153 261533 Will I get my new test date in 3 weeks Reply hazy, try again
8463152 261533 Will I get my new test date in 2 weeks Very doubtful
8463151 261533 Will I get my new test date next week My sources say no
8463150 261533 Will my crush fall in love with me in the near future Most likely
8463149 261533 Will my crush fall in love with me Outlook not so good
8463148 261533 Will I fall in love with my crush Most likely
8463147 261533 Is my crush my soulmate It is certain
8463146 333079 will heather get approved for SSDI ? My sources say no
8463145 449585 Beto worried about me Outlook not so good
8463144 449585 Beto thinking I’m mad at him Most likely
8463143 449585 Beto wondering why I am not there Better not tell you now
8463129 304396 Daysi going to Mexicali this Friday Outlook good
8463128 602657 Beto thinking about me As I see it, yes
8463127 602657 Beto thinking about me Not in a million years