the Magic

Beto thinking that Jose and me have something going on

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8464000 838164 Beto thinking that Jose and me have something going on Very doubtful
8463999 838164 Beto thinking about daysi Very doubtful
8463998 10693 Should I skip work tomorrow? Most likely
8463997 10693 Should I go to work tomorrow? Yes - definitely
8463996 838164 Beto thinking about me Most likely
8463995 784223 Will I get laid tomorrow? Count on it
8463994 784223 Will I get laid tonight? Very doubtful
8463993 240526 Will Kareem wants to be with me Count on it
8463992 784223 Will I have a good time tonight? Without a doubt
8463991 240526 Does Kareem wants to be with me Outlook not so good
8463990 240526 Does Kareem wants to be with me Cannot predict now
8463989 784223 Will I pass my certs on Tuesday? Outlook not so good
8463988 784223 Will I get any replies? Yes - definitely
8463987 838164 DAysi going to Mexicali after work tomorrow My reply is no
8463986 718706 mañana juan me va a hablar My sources say no
8463985 293495 littoh b e e y i t c h Most likely
8463984 293495 leave this wedding Yes
8463983 293495 ugly mexican My sources say no
8463982 293495 small little mexican Better not tell you now
8463981 293495 you're too small Very doubtful
8463980 293495 why are you such a midget Very doubtful
8463979 293495 da little mexican Most likely
8463978 293495 smack your face with a shovel Outlook not so good
8463977 293495 little p u n k b i t c h Yes
8463976 293495 juss oh ugly littoh messican Not in a million years
8463975 293495 juss an ugly littoh messican Outlook good
8463974 293495 that's a yellow bellied sap s u k k e r Very doubtful
8463973 293495 that's just an ugly little mexican Yes - definitely
8463972 293495 just an ugly little mexican Outlook not so good
8463971 293495 just leave and die you ugly mexican Yes
8463970 293495 hot blonde Miss South Dakota: " I just don't think South Dakota is the right state for you Outlook good
8463969 293495 you weren't good enough for those white people Not in a million years
8463968 293495 your clothes were all billowy and stupid like a c o c k s u k k e r Reply hazy, try again
8463967 293495 worthless ugly little c o c k s u k k e r Without a doubt
8463966 293495 hate to be ugly like your face and body, mexican Most likely
8463965 293495 your face doesn't attract Not in a million years
8463964 293495 you're so f u k k i n g ugly Outlook good
8463963 293495 ugly little p u n k b i t c h Very doubtful
8463962 293495 just a little c o c k s u k k e r Yes
8463961 293495 I'm so glad that I'm not some c o c k s u k k e r mexican As I see it, yes
8463960 455735 Is william attracted to me? Ask again later
8463959 477501 Did Chase count off 10 points? Yes - definitely
8463958 477501 Did Chase take pitty on us for that part and not count off? Not in a million years
8463957 477501 Did Chase take pitty and not count off for that? Reply hazy, try again
8463956 477501 Did Chase realize our mistake and not count off for that? NO!
8463955 838164 My check tommrow is more then $100 Most likely
8463954 240526 Is he giving me a present tomorrow Count on it
8463953 838164 My check from work is more than $100 NO!
8463952 838164 My check from work is more than $100 Concentrate and ask again
8463951 838164 My check from work is more than $100 Outlook not so good