the Magic

Will we move ahead with the mall

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8467261 289640 Will we move ahead with the mall Very doubtful
8467260 289640 Will I get it all done at the mal Not in a million years
8467259 289640 Will I get commissions It is decidedly so
8467258 289640 Will I get some deals moving this week Without a doubt
8467257 289640 Will I get fired this week NO!
8467256 289640 Will I get fired It is certain
8467254 289640 Will I get more done then usual Not in a million years
8467252 289640 Will this week go better then last week Without a doubt
8467251 289640 Will this week be the best ever Outlook not so good
8467250 4216 Am I going to get my money from Alex Jeffery As I see it, yes
8467249 165410 is uncle George trying to figure out what to do cause he feels responsible that I don't have a car anymore Yes - definitely
8467248 165410 is uncle George still upset about my car Signs point to yes
8467246 165410 is the burning sensation underneath me going to stop Not in a million years
8467245 977840 Is he cheating? Signs point to yes
8467244 977840 Should I leave him? My sources say no
8467243 977840 Is he lying to me? Yes - definitely
8467242 977840 Is he using me? NO!
8467241 165410 is doctor jaxsic going to be happy about you taking anitbotics to clear the urine infection Count on it
8467240 165410 is doctor jasxic going to tell you can taken antibotics for the urine infection It is certain
8467239 165410 are these antibotics going to interfer with my treatment from the specialist Count on it
8467238 165410 is wally cox going to give you antibotics for the urine infection Without a doubt
8467236 165410 have I contracted a minor urine infection Count on it
8467235 165410 have I contracted a minor urine infection Reply hazy, try again
8467234 165410 are these antibotics going to interfer with the hydrea It is certain
8467232 165410 do I have a urine infection Yes - definitely
8467231 92844 They will also say she has been with the same man Outlook good
8467230 92844 Will people at work say I am dpoiled Signs point to yes
8467229 92844 Will people at work say I am spoiled Cannot predict now
8467228 92844 Is my toenails fading Without a doubt
8467227 110685 wants to date ? Yes
8467226 110685 interested in me ? My reply is no
8467225 110685 yes or no ? Outlook not so good
8467224 165410 is uncle George upset with you cause of margaret Yes
8467223 165410 is uncle George upset with you cause of margaret Better not tell you now
8467222 165410 is uncle George upset with cause of margaret Concentrate and ask again
8467221 165410 is uncle George going to call you tonight Not in a million years
8467220 165410 is city mazda going to help with this car Cannot predict now
8467219 165410 is city mazda going to give you good news about your car My reply is no
8467218 947863 Are you clueless You Very doubtful
8467217 947863 Will I merry lucas? Outlook not so good
8467216 165410 is uncle George waiting for me to call him today to see how he went Yes
8467215 165410 is the Samsung computer monitor going to be fixable at force electronics Outlook good
8467214 165410 am I going to find a lcd computer monitor at cash converters It is decidedly so
8467213 165410 do I have to find another computer screen that is the same Count on it
8467212 165410 is my computer screen going to be fixable Outlook not so good
8467211 165410 is yoga going to help you with the blood cancer alot Outlook good
8467210 165410 is uncle George going to ring you tonight to see how you are doing Without a doubt
8467209 165410 is the Samsung computer monitor going to be fixed by force electronics Concentrate and ask again
8467208 165410 is the Samsung computer monitor going to be fixable at force electronics My sources say no
8467207 165410 is the Samsung monitor going to be fixable at force electronics Reply hazy, try again