the Magic

Will I g a s c?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8481011 675543 Will I g a s c? Outlook not so good
8481010 675543 Will h b f ? As I see it, yes
8481009 675543 Has b b c t b h h t c v? It is certain
8481008 635273 Will Green Goddess Unblock Me As I see it, yes
8481006 121997 Should I jerked off today Signs point to yes
8481005 635273 Will Jadedsunshine become a fan of my do him questions It is decidedly so
8480999 522560 there is always room for Jello Yes
8480997 522560 you are a fatty chaser admit it you are. you love that jello jiggle My reply is no
8480996 522560 lol you LOVE a fatty It is decidedly so
8480994 522560 either you are a f a g. or you are in love with a fatty Better not tell you now
8480993 522560 so. you are in love with a FAT girl. you talk s h i t. But you lie. you love her. :) Reply hazy, try again
8480991 522560 really?he hit the jack pot? ...Lottery winner? oooh how cool :D .. Most likely
8480989 522560 what happened? did she dump you? for your Without a doubt
8480988 522560 oh you protest too much. its a sign. you are in LOVE with a fat girl? Most likely
8480986 522560 try on a microchip. YOU probably are in cahoots with making people fat. you talk big. but you love them. Outlook not so good
8480984 522560 why do you hate fat people? are you slow? are you retarded? hey...are you blind? Not in a million years
8480981 522560 cookies are cool It is decidedly so
8480980 522560 Make it Boston cream. and you got a deal. :D Most likely
8480977 522560 lol No one can bust a bike seat. Sheese. you are a retard. My reply is no
8480976 522560 but i'll be honest. I love the peleton. Its better. NO!
8480974 522560 omg. there is a NEW exercsie. Called the Mirror. it looks cool and amazing. As I see it, yes
8480972 522560 but i think if they fixed the seat on the bike. I could give it more time. :) i loved it. Outlook good
8480969 522560 ugh. its just about 2 am. I gotta get up early tomorrow. mmm... It is certain
8480967 522560 loser? why would i want YOU? No one would. As I see it, yes
8480966 522560 thanks for asking. But i don't want YOU!! nah Without a doubt
8480963 522560 i was at the end of my time. When they came on the speakers. I didn't stop. I kept going. :) Most likely
8480962 522560 i think tomorrow. i'll aim for 30 min. I sure hope they play more foreigner ...that group is hot to listen to. To rock to. Heeeck yeah baby. Cannot predict now
8480961 522560 i really loved pedaling its fun It is decidedly so
8480960 522560 i kept it at 80..but it didn't help. I need more resistence. Outlook good
8480958 522560 i really didn't break a sweat today. I need to. 20 min of harder pedaling Outlook good
8480956 522560 that bike is wonderful. I just don't like the seat its horrible. its torture. It is decidedly so
8480955 522560 i also can use a pilates machine. but that bike is a blast. It is decidedly so
8480953 522560 i think i need to increase the level of difficulty It is decidedly so
8480951 522560 the first time i did it. I kinda sweat. This time? not at all. Very doubtful
8480950 522560 the problem is I didn't break a sweat. It was too easy. I need to tighten the resistence. Not in a million years
8480948 522560 i did MORE than 80 i'll have you know. It is certain
8480945 522560 so, lets move on. The topic of conversation is gonna be MUSIC. Outlook not so good
8480943 522560 he is cute. He was. My reply is no
8480940 522560 he was young. 20 something. YOUNG stud. nice ass on him :) Outlook good
8480938 522560 its was the COOLEST bike ride. THe music? was amazing. Most likely
8480936 522560 the guy that led the class He was young and stud. I liked him Better not tell you now
8480933 522560 oh, did i mention i exercised today. On the peleton? its a cool bike. I loved it. :) Most likely
8480931 522560 ahhh..its cold here. BUT the candles are lit. and its lovely :) Count on it
8480930 522560 i recently had a dream. It was amazing. Divine. My sources say no
8480929 522560 And Celine Dion. She is also an amazing singer. Yes
8480928 522560 i love Josh Groban's music. he sounds like an angel. Yes - definitely
8480927 522560 there was a time. i was too pretty. but i don't talk about that. I just don't. NO!
8480926 522560 I was ignored. lol Forgotten. ahh the story of my life. Count on it
8480924 522560 some of the most FRAGILE souls...are also the most stunning. But if you blink? or don't pay attention,. you'll miss it. My reply is no
8480923 522560 it hurts less. And I like having eyes. I see things others don't I see things. and no one sees it. Its like a treasure. Hidden in plain view. Outlook good