the Magic

Should I go to his house?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8481221 522560 Should I go to his house? It is decidedly so
8481220 522560 Should I go to his house? Count on it
8481219 522560 Are you sure? Yes
8481218 522560 Are you sure? Outlook good
8481217 522560 Am I safe ? Signs point to yes
8481216 522560 I'm sleepy Not in a million years
8481215 522560 I'm sleepy Yes - definitely
8481214 522560 I'm very exhausted My sources say no
8481213 522560 I'm very exhausted NO!
8481212 553137 Will I be poor when I grow up Count on it
8481211 553137 Will I be rich when I grow up Yes
8481210 553137 Will I go on Broadway someday Without a doubt
8481209 553137 Will I have twins It is decidedly so
8481208 522560 I'm sleepy Without a doubt
8481207 522560 I'm sleepy Outlook good
8481206 1044158 March 3 claim they owe me $200 back Concentrate and ask again
8481205 522560 Fruit isn't just a breakfast meal. If can also be an evening tresrv Outlook not so good
8481204 522560 Fruit isn't just a breakfast meal. If can also be an evening tresrv Signs point to yes
8481203 522560 But it's important to include lots of fruits im dinner Very doubtful
8481202 522560 I love orange chicken and simple honey chicken in a slight touch of honey , natural.sugars Outlook not so good
8481201 522560 I love orange chicken and simple honey chicken in a slight touch of honey , natural.sugars Outlook not so good
8481200 522560 I'm gonna focus on cucumbers and melons and Mandarin oranges with a ginger sauce Signs point to yes
8481199 522560 So I'm gonna be careful of food and all sweets , no one ever got fat eating Apple's or strawberries It is certain
8481195 522560 I am not gonna let myself be controlled anymore Signs point to yes
8481193 522560 I was tempted by it but I said no and walked away Reply hazy, try again
8481192 522560 I was tempted by it but I said no and walked away Ask again later
8481190 522560 I'm not buying junk I just had enough of it Reply hazy, try again
8481189 522560 I'm not buying junk I just had enough of it Ask again later
8481184 522560 Mixing cucumbers and honey dew melons is wonderful Without a doubt
8481183 522560 Im.a firm believer that mixing fruits and veggies in a salad?Can be refreshing Yes - definitely
8481182 522560 Yes so is cucumbers with cantaloupe Reply hazy, try again
8481181 522560 Fresh corn with cantaloupe is good My sources say no
8481180 522560 I will make a dynamite salad tonight , with fresh veggies and add in fruits ,spring salad , something refreshing Count on it
8481179 522560 Id love to add veggies to the crock pot , but I don't think they'd be happy with my choice of veggies Count on it
8481178 522560 It's good to shop for healthy foods Without a doubt
8481177 522560 No foods with high fructose sugar Most likely
8481176 522560 So as tempting as it was , I didn't buy any sugar Signs point to yes
8481175 522560 It's called a frittata Outlook not so good
8481174 522560 I love a crustless quiche , it's good My sources say no
8481173 522560 I love a crustless quiche , it's good Yes
8481172 522560 I think any and all fruit is good if made with put t sugar or flour Most likely
8481171 522560 I went looking for sugar free pies , mmm..found nothing none NO!
8481170 522560 And a little chocolate drizzle for my fresh fruit it's super good Cannot predict now
8481169 522560 And sugar free malt balls ( chocolate ) Count on it
8481168 522560 And I picked up healthy snacks like sugar free milk chocolate raisins Signs point to yes
8481167 522560 I also am surprising my sister with fresh mozzarella and tomato salad My sources say no
8481166 522560 Strawberry shortcake with fresh ripe strawberries is dessert Count on it
8481165 522560 I had cottage cheese with pineapple for lunch ..yummy Very doubtful
8481164 522560 I think I will also get on the bike for 30 minutes Without a doubt
8481163 522560 Everything is in the crock pot As I see it, yes