the Magic

Should I add Liam on Snapchat again?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8540488 814506 Should I add Liam on Snapchat again? It is certain
8540487 814506 Should I add Liam Sowter on Snapchat again? Not in a million years
8540486 77203 will s.s message k.l if k.l leaves s.s alone As I see it, yes
8540485 77203 will s.s message k.l soon Ask again later
8540484 77203 does s.s still love k.l Yes - definitely
8540483 77203 does skylar saeyang love me Most likely
8540482 77203 does skylar saeyang still love me a lot Better not tell you now
8540481 77203 so shes gonna get back with me but she doesnt love me... Not in a million years
8540480 77203 will skylar saeyang get back with me As I see it, yes
8540479 77203 does skylar saeyang still want me My reply is no
8540478 77203 does skylar saeyang miss me Very doubtful
8540477 77203 is skylar still madly in love with me Outlook not so good
8540476 77203 does skylar still love me NO!
8540475 77203 will skylar message me in 2 days Count on it
8540474 77203 will skylar message me in a day My reply is no
8540473 77203 does skylar miss me Ask again later
8540472 62762 Will I get work through Kim this year? As I see it, yes
8540471 71979 Will we get two contracts? Outlook not so good
8540470 561394 Will I get pre-approved for bruen tomorrow? Signs point to yes
8540469 336582 Does Dan love me? Count on it
8540468 599329 Do you know the muffin man? Reply hazy, try again
8540467 321786 will Donna Rice text me Friday morning Better not tell you now
8540466 388505 Did I meet CP? As I see it, yes
8540465 388505 Does RK love me? Signs point to yes
8540464 388505 Does rk love me? My reply is no
8540463 388505 Will I get Married? As I see it, yes
8540462 388505 Will I meet RK? Ask again later
8540461 580685 Does joel like rwby? Yes
8540460 930701 Hfhffjfjjffjjf dhfhdhdhdhfh It is decidedly so
8540459 930701 I want to play with nothing Better not tell you now
8540458 321786 will Donna Rice be a good guardian for me Yes - definitely
8540457 321786 will donna rice text me Friday morning Outlook good
8540456 321786 Will donna Rice text me tomorrow Yes
8540455 149345 I got no respect for you. Yes - definitely
8540454 149345 weak jews, weak president. you c o k k s u k k e r Outlook good
8540453 149345 I got no respect for you Very doubtful
8540452 570061 should i master are tonight It is decidedly so
8540451 149345 weak jews. weak president. f u k k i n sad My reply is no
8540450 149345 weak jews. weak president Count on it
8540449 981978 Is my cause just? Outlook good
8540448 321786 will Donna Rice text me Friday morning Without a doubt
8540447 149345 There is NO reason to vote for Donald Trump the c o k k s u k k e r Better not tell you now
8540446 149345 if that second covid19 check isn't in my bank account by the end of July or by the start of the august recess... It is certain
8540445 149345 I'm gonna look at Donald Trump photos now and think about this July challenge to receive the second Economic Impact Payment check Very doubtful
8540444 149345 I'm telling people to NOT vote for you Not in a million years
8540443 149345 better work overtime Yes - definitely
8540442 149345 better work day and night Better not tell you now
8540441 149345 awww you're not Outlook not so good
8540440 149345 you gonna get my second covid19 stimulus check to my bank account before that August recess NO!
8540439 149345 the August recess the internet says Outlook not so good