the Magic

Does Steve feel bad how he treated me

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8543608 299507 Does Steve feel bad how he treated me It is decidedly so
8543607 784223 Will she at least appreciate the thought? Outlook good
8543606 299507 Will my daughter father come next week Most likely
8543605 784223 if she doesn't like it, it's your fault It is decidedly so
8543604 299507 Will I get engaged by Valentine's Day As I see it, yes
8543603 784223 is she going to not like it at all? Most likely
8543602 784223 Tell me that she will freaking like it! NO!
8543601 299507 Will I get a marriage proposal on New Years My sources say no
8543600 299507 Will I get married next year Without a doubt
8543599 299507 Will I go out of town with my new man My sources say no
8543598 299507 Does Edward wanna take me to Vegas Cannot predict now
8543597 299507 Will I get a engagement ring this year Yes
8543596 299507 Will I make love to Edward Concentrate and ask again
8543595 299507 Will my last be Rivers Without a doubt
8543594 299507 Will I get engage to get married this year My sources say no
8543593 38486 Is my twin flame zac efron? Without a doubt
8543592 38486 Will I date a celebrity? Yes - definitely
8543591 299507 Will me and Edward make love Concentrate and ask again
8543590 38486 Does zac efron like me Not in a million years
8543589 299507 Will me and Edward go to Vegas Outlook good
8543588 38486 Is my soulmate a celebrity? As I see it, yes
8543587 38486 Is my twin flame a celebrity? Concentrate and ask again
8543586 784223 are you in fact a liar? Concentrate and ask again
8543585 784223 are you in fact lying? Without a doubt
8543584 784223 am I drinking a fine red wine? It is decidedly so
8543583 784223 am I drinking a beer? It is certain
8543582 784223 am I drinking a beer? Concentrate and ask again
8543581 784223 am I wearing a gray shirt? Ask again later
8543580 784223 Screw her then Count on it
8543579 784223 will she not like what I sent her? Most likely
8543578 445247 Should I break up with him Most likely
8543577 445247 Should I break up with him Reply hazy, try again
8543576 445247 Should I break up with him Concentrate and ask again
8543575 784223 What ever makes you happy.. whatever you want. But I'm a creep, I'm a wierdo Concentrate and ask again
8543574 784223 You're so very special, I wish I was special, but I'm a creep; I'm a wierdo - what the Hel am I doing here? I don't belong here... Yes
8543573 784223 Every day is a good day. It's all in your head Yes - definitely
8543572 34483 Why? Are you ok?Good news? Better not tell you now
8543571 34483 I think ..but not sure yet Yes
8543570 34483 The good people are happy Outlook good
8543569 34483 Lol smoldering darling My reply is no
8543568 34483 Are you happy?? Ask again later
8543567 784223 Will something hit the earth in 2029? It is decidedly so
8543566 34483 It's a good day Outlook not so good
8543565 934465 Pass ya fail me Yes
8543564 34483 Hi it's 2020 , dobt bunk Better not tell you now
8543563 784223 is today wednesday? It is decidedly so
8543562 784223 Will she wear it? NO!
8543561 784223 Will it fit her? As I see it, yes
8543560 784223 Will she hate it? Outlook not so good
8543559 784223 Will she not like it? Outlook good