the Magic

am I an alcoholic?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8546149 784223 am I an alcoholic? It is certain
8546148 784223 Will this be an awesome week for me? It is certain
8546147 784223 Will this be a good week for me? My sources say no
8546146 784223 Will I hit it off with ***? Count on it
8546112 189136 will we move to cdc this year with leroy It is certain
8546110 189136 leroy home tomorrow My sources say no
8546084 126454 will it go well working out Very doubtful
8546083 126454 will I date next year Cannot predict now
8546082 126454 should I start taking saturday nights off My reply is no
8546081 126454 will I ever forgive him As I see it, yes
8546080 126454 did he takeit to his grave Most likely
8546079 126454 was he wrong about my life Yes
8546078 126454 was my dad stupid Not in a million years
8546077 126454 did my dad think that he could recover my 3 months in the hospital Better not tell you now
8546076 126454 will I make it thru life Outlook good
8546071 126454 will I buy a town home Better not tell you now
8546070 126454 will I buy another condo Outlook not so good
8546069 126454 will I buy a homes less than 15 years old Not in a million years
8546068 126454 will I buy a home less than 10 years old Not in a million years
8546067 126454 did Duane care Without a doubt
8546066 126454 did she care It is certain
8546065 126454 did Carol know that Signs point to yes
8546064 126454 did mom know that she ruined my life Very doubtful
8546062 126454 did know that he ruined my life Very doubtful
8546061 126454 did dad think that I was a loser Outlook not so good
8546060 126454 will we have our own homes Without a doubt
8546059 126454 will I ever have a life mate Outlook good
8546058 126454 will it be a new one Very doubtful
8546056 126454 will I get another home Outlook good
8546055 126454 will I be happy Signs point to yes
8546054 126454 will I ever live with a guy Very doubtful
8546052 126454 just not Rob Outlook good
8546051 126454 will I datee again Yes - definitely
8546050 126454 will I datee again Concentrate and ask again
8546048 126454 will we date My sources say no
8546047 126454 will he live with me NO!
8546046 126454 will rob ever marry me Very doubtful
8546045 126454 will I ever have a good life Signs point to yes
8546044 126454 will they ever be jealous of me My sources say no
8546043 126454 will I stay away from my siblings Count on it
8546042 126454 do people like Carol Outlook good
8546041 126454 am I lucky that I got away It is decidedly so
8546040 126454 did they just all follow my dad Count on it
8546039 126454 did they mistreat me Yes
8546038 126454 was my family deranged My sources say no
8546037 126454 will rob come back some day Yes - definitely
8546035 126454 will I do some praying My reply is no
8546034 126454 will I just get stronger Outlook good
8546033 126454 will that change within 2 months Without a doubt
8546032 126454 will that change within 1 month Cannot predict now