the Magic

I hope he's gonna be ok matter what

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8555262 522560 I hope he's gonna be ok matter what Concentrate and ask again
8555261 522560 I want him be happy As I see it, yes
8555260 522560 I would want him to love again Without a doubt
8555259 522560 Would he be ok ..if I died ? It is decidedly so
8555258 522560 Do I risk love?And grab onto life and him.? Even though...I know im sick ? Better not tell you now
8555257 522560 He lost so.much isn't fair to him. Without a doubt
8555256 522560 I am terrified ..of him loving me ...and then I die ... Count on it
8555255 522560 I'm ok if I die ...but I fear ...leaving him.behind Reply hazy, try again
8555254 522560 I truly am living in terror ...haunted it NO!
8555253 522560 I'm also terrified of Some one dying As I see it, yes
8555252 522560 Or worse ..being rejected Outlook good
8555251 522560 I'm terrified of being left ! Count on it
8555250 522560 I! Terrified ...if I love him.? Too much?I'll never recover or love again ...if he leaves Without a doubt
8555249 522560 I'm trying to change more open ..less shut down Without a doubt
8555248 522560 Unless he's got xray vision Not in a million years
8555247 522560 I'm not kidding ...I hide My sources say no
8555246 522560 I hold back from him ...I can't help but protect myself Not in a million years
8555245 522560 Last time I got lost?I shattered. ..I can't go thru it again Most likely
8555244 522560 It's why ...I keep looking elsewhere ...I'm scard to focus everything in him ...I need my own dreams ...and I'm scAred ..of losing myself Yes
8555243 522560 I'm scared of my feelings Not in a million years
8555242 522560 Apt? Would he ? Very doubtful
8555241 522560 Apt? Would he ? Not in a million years
8555240 522560 I'm not sure ...where we would love Yes
8555239 522560 I'm not sure how to be a wife ...I never did it before NO!
8555238 522560 Being a virtuous wife?Is important! is ...pleasuring him... Outlook not so good
8555237 522560 I'm just ...not sure Signs point to yes
8555236 522560 I need to work ...contribute ...but also a true good wife t o hum. Most likely
8555235 522560 There are responsibilities ...I need to assume ! I expect it ...but I think...p31_ is the true answer to a sucessful.marriage ...but ...what ? Concentrate and ask again
8555234 522560 Even if he could afford a wife ...I MUST be a P31 wife !...I just don't know how ..for him My reply is no
8555233 522560 I'm just not sure...if I could marry him... It is certain
8555232 522560 I know he's fragile ...but do I have the ability? NO!
8555231 522560 I don't know how take care of him Not in a million years
8555230 522560 I can't protect myself the heck can I ever protect him? Very doubtful
8555229 522560 He's ok to be around? Most likely
8555228 522560 He's ok to be around? Most likely
8555227 522560 Is it just redidual...crazy thoughts As I see it, yes
8555226 522560 Am I wrong? Count on it
8555225 522560 If he was?I assumed hed never be allowed near me ...I assumed he would be married Count on it
8555224 522560 I don't understand...he is sooo gentle Not in a million years
8555223 522560 Is he the i? The guy Every one fears ? Most likely
8555222 522560 I see none in him...if he is? Ok ...I'm wrong Very doubtful
8555221 522560 Is he really sp? Ask again later
8555220 522560 Is he really m? Signs point to yes
8555219 522560 I know most guys to never provoke ...I'm no idiot Signs point to yes
8555218 522560 I get a sense ..he's not as scared ..or helpless Count on it
8555217 522560 I never made love to him...I get a feeling of I gave myself to him turning back Most likely
8555216 522560 Most men become extremely possessive of their wife ...they will never let another man touch them Outlook good
8555215 522560 Is he willing to let go ? Not in a million years
8555214 522560 Is he possessive? Toward me?I'm a good way? Very doubtful
8555213 522560 Is that what he wants ? My sources say no