the Magic

Predict numbers for teatime

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8559490 169997 Predict numbers for teatime It is decidedly so
8559489 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Not in a million years
8559488 265308 Predict 2 numbers for ukteatime Count on it
8559487 274888 will i die soon Most likely
8559486 274888 will I die soon? Cannot predict now
8559485 274888 should I go to dollar tree? Count on it
8559484 274888 will I be okay today? As I see it, yes
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8559482 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Very doubtful
8559481 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Very doubtful
8559480 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour It is certain
8559479 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Better not tell you now
8559478 169997 Teatime bonus Very doubtful
8559477 274888 will I be okay today? Ask again later
8559476 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Most likely
8559475 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Without a doubt
8559474 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Most likely
8559473 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Count on it
8559472 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour As I see it, yes
8559471 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Yes - definitely
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8559465 169997 Teatime bonus ball colour Outlook not so good
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8559462 169997 Teatime bonus ball Very doubtful
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8559457 169997 Teatime bonus ball My reply is no
8559456 169997 Teatime bonus ball Yes
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8559453 169997 Teatime bonus colour It is decidedly so
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8559448 157031 Will she ever text me again It is certain
8559447 291333 blue colour will be teatime bonus Outlook good
8559446 291333 blue colour will be teatime bonus My sources say no
8559445 291333 blue colour will be teatime bonus Without a doubt
8559444 291333 blue colour will be teatime bonus Concentrate and ask again
8559443 291333 blue colour will be teatime bonus Concentrate and ask again
8559404 921645 35 is the bonus for today? Ask again later
8559403 621692 Will I get the research assistant job? As I see it, yes