the Magic

Will I meet Josh Ramsay

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8587689 980121 Will I meet Josh Ramsay Very doubtful
8587688 980121 Will I meet josh Ramsay NO!
8587687 980121 Will I meet Marianas Trench It is decidedly so
8587686 822257 Is ROSS lunch awesome Better not tell you now
8587684 956823 You shouldnt buy a gun Yes
8587683 608839 will that be this month Very doubtful
8587682 608839 am I going tgtssc Yes - definitely
8587681 608839 are you telling the truth My reply is no
8587680 608839 will i mmhtm Outlook not so good
8587679 608839 Is my mom coming home this month? It is decidedly so
8587678 360849 will we buy wilson park Yes - definitely
8587677 360849 will our house sell fast Yes - definitely
8587676 360849 will we get house on linden Not in a million years
8587675 360849 will we get house on wilson park NO!
8587674 961391 should i buy a gun? It is decidedly so
8587673 961391 will i get in trouble if i do it? Outlook not so good
8587672 615904 if I work 33 hours a week at $16 an hour will I be able to afford a new condo Ask again later
8587671 615904 if I stay at visiting angels will I still be able to buy a new condo Not in a million years
8587670 615904 next year will I get $16 an hour with them It is decidedly so
8587669 615904 will I get close to 35 hours Signs point to yes
8587668 615904 will Katie give me 35 hours a week once I get my cna Very doubtful
8587667 615904 will I want any of them Not in a million years
8587666 615904 will I get any job offers Signs point to yes
8587665 615904 will I want to stay with visiting angels Cannot predict now
8587664 615904 will I decide to stay with visiting angels Cannot predict now
8587663 615904 will I have another job by February 1 NO!
8587662 615904 will I have another job by January NO!
8587661 615904 will I be down to 185 by November 1 Yes - definitely
8587660 615904 will I be down to 190 by November1 Yes
8587659 615904 will I be down to 195 by Oct 1 NO!
8587658 615904 is my blood sugarr getting better It is certain
8587657 84301 I have no respect for your ugly mexican. I p u n k e d it HARD and it never came back. Concentrate and ask again
8587656 84301 ugly loser knows its place Count on it
8587655 84301 ugly little loser. I have no respect for your mexican. I kept standing there and your mexican kept getting down and squatting NO!
8587654 336181 Will Aunt Franny and I upload things on the 27th as planned? Signs point to yes
8587653 986572 Will God Sutlej, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot tomorrow night or not? It is decidedly so
8587652 986572 Will God Sutlej, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot tomorrow night or not? Reply hazy, try again
8587651 84301 I p u n k e d your ugly mexican and it got scared and didn't wanna fight . Signs point to yes
8587650 986572 Will God Sutlej, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot tomorrow night or not? Ask again later
8587649 986572 Will God Sutlej, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot tomorrow night? My reply is no
8587648 318529 beste geri zekalı mı Very doubtful
8587647 417137 Will i rent a house with Fatma? Outlook good
8587646 197339 okulda basarili olacak miyim Without a doubt
8587645 417137 Fatma ile eve çıkabilecek miyim? Reply hazy, try again
8587644 197339 yalnizliktan kurtulacak miyim Better not tell you now
8587643 574821 will the gold company make us money? Outlook good
8587642 574821 should we move to Waterford? As I see it, yes
8587641 42481 Is my brother a poop monster Outlook good
8587640 42481 Is my brother weird It is certain
8587639 42481 Is Dad weird It is certain