the Magic

shud i play

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8608673 180043 shud i play As I see it, yes
8608672 180043 can i play Signs point to yes
8608671 180043 can i eat It is certain
8608670 180043 are you fake Yes - definitely
8608669 180043 should i eat crisps Outlook not so good
8608668 180043 should i eat Better not tell you now
8608667 180043 should i eat unhealthy My reply is no
8608666 180043 should i eat afghan food Not in a million years
8608665 180043 should i eat Signs point to yes
8608664 180043 should i eat Concentrate and ask again
8608663 180043 should i eat Better not tell you now
8608662 180043 should i eat or play battlefront 2 with my cousin My sources say no
8608661 180043 should i eat or play battlefront 2 with my cousin Cannot predict now
8608660 799898 Winning fafi number for 21 October 2020 Yes - definitely
8608659 704347 Should I whack now? Outlook good
8608658 704347 Is SAlly using mine as a joke? Outlook good
8608657 704347 Is Sally content with my little thing now? Not in a million years
8608656 704347 Has Sally stopped seeing Her mystery lover? Yes - definitely
8608655 589675 Am I chinese It is decidedly so
8608654 589675 Am I a female Signs point to yes
8608652 589675 Will she get better My reply is no
8608651 589675 Is the sun out Count on it
8608650 589675 Will I win lotto Better not tell you now
8608649 589675 Will Mona get better My sources say no
8608648 589675 Will scotch be ok Better not tell you now
8608647 589675 Will Mona be ok Very doubtful
8608646 312467 Will I have a Korean boyfriend soon It is certain
8608645 312467 Do I have a Korean soulmate Very doubtful
8608644 312467 Will I have a korean husband Concentrate and ask again
8608643 334586 will I get the trade Count on it
8608642 637409 Did Andrew change his bitmoji to let me know he’s coming back? Yes - definitely
8608641 637409 Did Andrew change his bitmoji as a sign for me? My reply is no
8608640 410628 Will number 37 going to bonus on teatime today Outlook good
8608639 172429 Will number 37 going to bonus on teatime today My reply is no
8608638 969540 Will umber 34 going to bonus on teatime today Very doubtful
8608637 1046418 Is number 22 going to bonus on teatime NO!
8608636 34483 i'm leaving soon Count on it
8608635 34483 hey m8 how r u? It is decidedly so
8608634 424430 Will the pats cover the spread today? It is decidedly so
8608633 777488 Will w h a h o t l b c? My reply is no
8608632 777488 Will w b v h b c t y? Most likely
8608631 777488 Will w b I o n g h t I p f a b h b c t y? Not in a million years
8608630 777488 Will w h a g r o t y a a g c ? NO!
8608629 971233 Am I going to date Mia? Count on it
8608620 613826 Is George R.R. Martin knowledgeable about assassins? My reply is no
8608591 492651 3 numbers plus bonus for teatime today As I see it, yes
8608590 728887 Bonus for today It is certain
8608587 728887 Bonus for tea time Signs point to yes
8608586 699729 Do i share this fact? It is certain
8608585 983619 will i have a good meeting with Eli on Tuesday? Without a doubt