the Magic

will she be mad about that

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8634710 192051 will she be mad about that Yes
8634709 192051 will I help out steph's baby shower My sources say no
8634708 192051 does ben have any idea theh struggles I have gone thru Not in a million years
8634707 192051 would she be happy about that Yes - definitely
8634706 192051 would she be mad if I endeed up with rob My sources say no
8634705 192051 does steph think I willl always be single Not in a million years
8634703 192051 will he forgive her Reply hazy, try again
8634701 192051 is steph like carol It is decidedly so
8634700 192051 do they think I will cost them money Most likely
8634699 192051 if I was married would Ben push me away Very doubtful
8634698 192051 if I was married would steph push me away NO!
8634697 192051 is steph pushing me away Yes - definitely
8634696 192051 is Ben pushing me away Signs point to yes
8634695 192051 will she lose me Yes
8634694 369112 I will be happy if this happens to me Count on it
8634693 192051 will she lose them Not in a million years
8634692 192051 will steph regret loosing her siblings Better not tell you now
8634691 369112 Can I be one of the happiest people on the word As I see it, yes
8634690 192051 will I ever get his services Count on it
8634689 192051 will Martha get visiting angels for mac Yes - definitely
8634688 192051 did Johnson want more hours Yes - definitely
8634687 369112 I will be grateful if I can be a lucky somebody one day Without a doubt
8634686 192051 does Phyllis like me Cannot predict now
8634685 369112 My wishes is to win lotto and start business It is decidedly so
8634684 369112 What can I do because things tough to me Most likely
8634683 369112 I wish to be happy one day even getting new job with a better salary and working normal hours Outlook not so good
8634682 369112 What is the problem of not winning lotto Count on it
8634681 369112 Can I find myself one day winning lotto NO!
8634680 192051 would ben want to box us out of steph's life Ask again later
8634679 192051 is ben pushing her away from us Count on it
8634678 192051 will she straighten up Signs point to yes
8634677 192051 will she leave Jon and Danielle Not in a million years
8634676 192051 will she just leave me My sources say no
8634675 192051 will Steph leave our family Reply hazy, try again
8634674 192051 because he is more qualified Ask again later
8634673 192051 is Phyllis having Johnson from 3-7 pm Signs point to yes
8634672 973279 Will I get my loan Signs point to yes
8634671 197522 do i have a baby Outlook good
8634670 197522 does freedom loves me Most likely
8634669 197522 does kuhlula loves me My reply is no
8634668 197522 will i pass my exam this year NO!
8634667 197522 will i find someone to love me again It is certain
8634666 417341 James is not going to wish me a happy birthday Without a doubt
8634665 417341 James I s breaking up with me As I see it, yes
8634664 493889 Should I sleep this morning? My reply is no
8634663 493889 Should I go hunting this morning? Yes
8634662 429037 Will I talk to Ethan tomorrow Outlook not so good
8634661 429037 Will I get called for entre nos NO!
8634660 350101 should i look outside of long beach Outlook not so good
8634659 350101 is it smart to try to move in the next two weeks? Outlook good