the Magic

Is Masja een streber

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8640035 408688 Is Masja een streber Without a doubt
8640025 205140 Should I call her today? It is decidedly so
8639995 845213 Will Kareem want to get another place with me It is decidedly so
8639993 845213 Will Kareem stay in this apartment NO!
8639987 421195 i want 5 number for teatime As I see it, yes
8639986 192051 will she decide to move her burial spot Ask again later
8639985 192051 will she move her burial spot Concentrate and ask again
8639984 192051 will she decide to be buried elsewhere Better not tell you now
8639982 192051 do they like her It is certain
8639981 192051 do people already know whar she is Outlook good
8639980 192051 should I post any thing on classmates It is decidedly so
8639978 192051 will people treat her different My reply is no
8639976 845213 Will Kareem leave me for leah Outlook not so good
8639975 192051 will she care Very doubtful
8639974 845213 Is Kareem very interested in leah Yes - definitely
8639973 192051 will she lie about it Outlook not so good
8639972 845213 Will Kareem cheat with leah As I see it, yes
8639971 192051 will people believe me Outlook good
8639970 845213 Is Kareem having a relationship with leah Count on it
8639969 192051 will she find out about that Signs point to yes
8639968 845213 Will Kareem work things out with me As I see it, yes
8639967 192051 if I post on classmates how terrible they weere NO!
8639966 845213 Is Kareem at the office Concentrate and ask again
8639965 192051 if I changee out bob's stone Signs point to yes
8639963 986572 Will God surprise me and smile down on me today and bless me to be the sole winner of tonight’s entire Powerball Jackpot? It is decidedly so
8639962 428770 Will I get a promotion Very doubtful
8639961 428770 Does he want me My sources say no
8639960 428770 Will we see each other again My sources say no
8639959 428770 Is he mad at me NO!
8639958 428770 Will he say sorry Not in a million years
8639957 544238 Are you true? It is certain
8639956 544238 Is kristoff my soulmate? Signs point to yes
8639955 544238 Is andrei my soulmate? Outlook not so good
8639954 544238 Is my soulmate near me right now? Yes
8639953 622496 Should I train with Natasha? Concentrate and ask again
8639952 845213 Will Kareem stop cheating Outlook good
8639951 845213 Is Kareem cheating on me It is certain
8639950 845213 Is Kareem at the office today My reply is no
8639949 845213 Will Kareem cheat on me today Signs point to yes
8639948 145416 Will the baby be healthy without any disorders or handicaps Very doubtful
8639947 145416 Will I live through the pregancy Yes
8639946 145416 Will my pregnancy go well Very doubtful
8639944 1047980 Is the sky green? Without a doubt
8639943 145416 Should I pay for my husbands reversal so that we can have another child together. Yes
8639942 845213 Is Kareem at the office Very doubtful
8639941 845213 Is Kareem at the office right now My reply is no
8639940 889284 Bonus ball10 Not in a million years
8639939 845213 Is Kareem telling the truth about going to the office NO!
8639938 845213 Is Kareem st the office today My sources say no
8639937 192051 will I talk to caaraol again Ask again later