the Magic

Will I destroy Kevin?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8691499 622496 Will I destroy Kevin? My sources say no
8691498 622496 Will Kevin regret being an ass to me? As I see it, yes
8691497 622496 Will I beat Kevin up now? Not in a million years
8691496 622496 Will Paul continue to be a loser? Very doubtful
8691495 622496 Does Paul regret using me? Not in a million years
8691494 622496 Does Paul know he used me? Signs point to yes
8691492 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me It is decidedly so
8691489 622496 Will Paul and I be friends again? My sources say no
8691487 98210 Am I still in love with my ex? Not in a million years
8691479 622496 Will I do really well at my Ironman? Cannot predict now
8691467 622496 Did I lose all love for Paul? My reply is no
8691463 105913 Will overwatch devs delete brigette My reply is no
8691462 105913 Do girls like me Outlook good
8691461 105913 Is Tupac dead Yes
8691460 105913 Is xxxtentacion dead It is certain
8691456 795197 Is K.S. interested in me as a boyfriend? It is decidedly so
8691455 862357 Will me and shelby stay together forever As I see it, yes
8691454 862357 Will me and shelby stay together As I see it, yes
8691453 862357 Will shelby and i last a lifetime My reply is no
8691452 862357 Will me and shelby make it work Reply hazy, try again
8691451 862357 should i trust shelby It is certain
8691450 822664 Wats the number Very doubtful
8691443 436340 Was Cris exaggerated on purpose to make me know? It is decidedly so
8691439 417627 will i get my 10 parties today It is decidedly so
8691438 417627 will i make my 5000 My reply is no
8691437 378344 should I look for a new job Most likely
8691436 622496 Am I letting Paul go? Yes - definitely
8691435 166205 will she be mad Reply hazy, try again
8691434 166205 will I babysit for steph My sources say no
8691433 166205 will I ever have a guy in my life Count on it
8691432 436340 Should I post during lunch? Yes
8691431 436340 Should I post right now? NO!
8691430 166205 will I hold them at bay Yes - definitely
8691429 436340 Should I wait until after school to post? NO!
8691428 166205 will I change them Not in a million years
8691427 166205 will I change then Concentrate and ask again
8691426 166205 aree my girls as bad as my extended family Yes
8691425 166205 will I buy jon one Most likely
8691424 166205 willl I buy the girls birthday gifts this year Not in a million years
8691423 963706 Will ball no 44 drops in uk49s teatime today Yes - definitely
8691422 285272 Will ball no 43 drops in uk49s teatime today NO!
8691421 285272 Will ball no 42 drops in uk49s teatime today Not in a million years
8691420 285272 Will ball no 40 drops in uk49s teatime today Yes
8691419 166205 will my glandular ever be ggoood As I see it, yes
8691418 285272 Will ball no 39 drops in uk49s teatime today As I see it, yes
8691417 166205 will my health evr be normal Without a doubt
8691416 611210 Will ball no 38 drops in uk49s teatime today Concentrate and ask again
8691415 166205 will steph value me more Yes - definitely
8691414 285272 Will ball no 36 drops in uk49s teatime today It is certain
8691413 166205 will our relationships be ok by the end of March It is decidedly so