the Magic

cancer is killing sooo many people. its just hard

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8698243 120470 cancer is killing sooo many people. its just hard Cannot predict now
8698242 120470 i hate cancer NO!
8698241 120470 he has been a good friend Very doubtful
8698240 120470 i just can't believe. he is dying It is certain
8698239 120470 he is going. I just can see it. he has lost sooo much weight. He is 6'4...he needs to be a little heavier. he is too thin. The cancer is killing him As I see it, yes
8698238 120470 she loved him . to marry him. It is certain
8698237 120470 i think he always loved her. Concentrate and ask again
8698236 120470 I know he wanted to go back there. Now? he cant'. time ran out Not in a million years
8698235 120470 someone should tell her Most likely
8698234 120470 does his ex wife know yet? Better not tell you now
8698233 120470 he asked me out. I am sooo i didn't go NO!
8698232 120470 when he goes. i'll miss him Yes - definitely
8698231 120470 he is gonna have chemo and radiation. He still refuses to quit smoking. Ask again later
8698230 120470 he was my go to guy. soon he will be gone. Better not tell you now
8698229 120470 how long? till he is ..gone? year? As I see it, yes
8698228 120470 he is sick. he really is NO!
8698227 120470 i thank god..i never dated him. It is certain
8698226 87403 Will me and mike hangout Outlook not so good
8698225 120470 i liked him. But not now Yes
8698224 120470 he is undergoing...chemo and radiation Very doubtful
8698223 120470 M is gonna die? isnt he? Reply hazy, try again
8698222 120470 lol :) yeah it is. you are in a mood to argue Without a doubt
8698221 120470 smile m8. its a good day My sources say no
8698220 120470 wow. you are in a mood NO!
8698219 120470 its a time to smile...and be joyful My reply is no
8698218 120470 lol..yes it is. :) Concentrate and ask again
8698217 120470 its bright and sunny My reply is no
8698216 120470 its a good day NO!
8698215 120470 is everything okay? Without a doubt
8698214 190148 I will receive the 1400 next week Yes - definitely
8698213 425800 Are w g t b a t m w t n t m w a b h a b a t p c f a h? Not in a million years
8698212 425800 Will t g b f u? Not in a million years
8698211 425800 Will I b o a l a c o a r? Without a doubt
8698210 425800 Will w g o o h v s n? Outlook good
8698209 425800 Is o s g t g a b f u s? Not in a million years
8698208 670651 Should I get it Signs point to yes
8698207 226797 Does Hakim love me like I love him? NO!
8698206 226797 Does Hakim love me? Outlook not so good
8698205 166205 will my headaches be gone when I start my classes As I see it, yes
8698204 861713 Will I have a good date tonight Not in a million years
8698202 861713 Will I have a good date tonight My reply is no
8698201 190148 Jessica still at Luis house My sources say no
8698200 190148 Jessica is awake NO!
8698199 223148 Should I take the covid test NO!
8698198 190148 Jessica still sleeping Most likely
8698197 190148 Jessica went to see the house My sources say no
8698193 768672 can i afford house in ga NO!
8698192 768672 should i buy house in ga Count on it
8698191 768672 get job in ga Most likely
8698190 768672 buy house in ga Cannot predict now