the Magic

am i at school

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8709871 823985 am i at school Not in a million years
8709870 823985 am i gonna live past 1 years old As I see it, yes
8709869 823985 am I a girl or a boy? Yes - definitely
8709868 823985 do i have a water bottle Yes
8709867 823985 Am I gonna die at 10 years old? NO!
8709866 823985 Is your name jeff? Most likely
8709865 823985 is kobe died It is certain
8709864 823985 Do you like memes Signs point to yes
8709863 823985 who are you Without a doubt
8709862 823985 am i older then 10 Signs point to yes
8709861 823985 am I dumb Yes - definitely
8709860 823985 Should I scream the "f" word? My sources say no
8709859 823985 am I good at sports Most likely
8709858 823985 i am i good at basketabll My sources say no
8709857 823985 Will i work at mcdonalds when i grow up Most likely
8709856 823985 am i good at sports Yes
8709855 823985 am i going to discover eternal life with chris? Without a doubt
8709854 823985 Am I going to discover eternal life?? Not in a million years
8709853 823985 am i going to discover an eternal life WITH CHRIS? Ask again later
8709852 823985 Am I going to discover eternal life?? Count on it
8709851 823985 you dont know anything Reply hazy, try again
8709850 823985 ur sorta dumb, right? It is decidedly so
8709849 823985 Is my IQ lower than 5? It is decidedly so
8709848 823985 Am i going to discover eternal life?? Cannot predict now
8709847 823985 I said, well your sources are wrong!!! Not in a million years
8709846 823985 well your sources are wrong Reply hazy, try again
8709845 823985 am i going to discover a secret to eternal life? My sources say no
8709844 823985 Will I stay best friends with Jeremy As I see it, yes
8709843 823985 Is chris going to get 100 million bucks and give lots of moolah to charity Yes
8709842 823985 Is mason dumb? Better not tell you now
8709841 823985 Is the russian anthem trash Most likely
8709840 823985 is my iq lower than 20 Very doubtful
8709839 823985 am i dumb As I see it, yes
8709838 823985 good boy Very doubtful
8709837 823985 Will Ebeneziea Conquer North America?? It is decidedly so
8709836 823985 stop saying da same stuff Better not tell you now
8709835 823985 is this computer generated and has a specific pattern? Outlook not so good
8709834 823985 Will Ebeneziea Conquer the Americas Very doubtful
8709833 823985 is 8 ball real Outlook not so good
8709832 823985 Is 8 ball real Without a doubt
8709831 823985 Will Ebeneziea Conquer the world Outlook not so good
8709830 823985 is 8 ball real? Signs point to yes
8709829 823985 is all hail thy red green and blue thy best anthem EVER? My sources say no
8709828 823985 Are the Jerry triplets going to conquer thy world NO!
8709827 823985 am III smart? Signs point to yes
8709826 823985 is chris's iq higher that 130 Without a doubt
8709825 823985 will chris be an Aerospace Engineer Yes - definitely
8709824 823985 is chris going to skip a grade My sources say no
8709823 823985 is chris going to skip a grade and be dumb in that grade because teachers are dum and shouldnt have let him skip it in da first place? Not in a million years
8709821 329345 Do I have friends NO!