the Magic

he is fearless. nothing rattles his nerves.

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8723342 34483 he is fearless. nothing rattles his nerves. Ask again later
8723341 34483 never judge a person by their cover. I learned never to understimate him. he is tough. old yes. but strong..and tough. It is certain
8723340 34483 he is sooo strong. wow. i didn't realize the core of strength and steel core within him. Concentrate and ask again
8723339 34483 he isn't some easy and soft old man. wow. he isnt Outlook good
8723338 44609 Will Paul and I keep our distance from each other? My sources say no
8723337 34483 everyting moved sooo fast. like time...flew today Without a doubt
8723336 44609 Will we be friends again? My reply is no
8723335 34483 it happened sooo fast...i didn't know what to do Not in a million years
8723334 34483 i truly...gritted my teeth..and white knuckled it. i was very scared. My sources say no
8723333 34483 i almost went to my parents. i was sooo scared. Ask again later
8723332 34483 he is a evasive measures. i was terrified the entire time Count on it
8723331 34483 he is scary. a true bull Outlook not so good
8723330 34483 I really...was terrified today. It is certain
8723329 34483 he is like a professional race car driver. Yes - definitely
8723328 34483 i really didn't have a clue what would happen. I really thought danger. My sources say no
8723327 34483 all i could do truly? was pray for protection. All i could do Yes
8723326 34483 i almost called my sister. but i thought no. she has to work. I just, prayed. It is decidedly so
8723325 34483 I didn't know...what to do. I really was scared. Most likely
8723324 34483 i really was terrified. i just...didn't know what to do Outlook good
8723323 34483 i was frightened. i'm about ready to crash..and sleep. Cannot predict now
8723322 34483 i'm just thankful...nothing bad happened today Yes
8723321 34483 i really struggle..with lack of control. It is decidedly so
8723320 34483 i almost take control? i didn't. but i came super close. Outlook not so good
8723319 34483 omg. he is one tough ol bird It is decidedly so
8723318 34483 he is a bull. Outlook good
8723317 34483 i almost got a ride home. i was so scared. Cannot predict now
8723316 34483 i never realized how scared I was. Better not tell you now
8723315 34483 i'm a little sleepy. Signs point to yes
8723313 44609 Will Paul avoid me? Very doubtful
8723309 44609 Was that good closure for Paul and I? My sources say no
8723308 44609 Will Paul marry his gf? Very doubtful
8723307 44609 Is Paul’s gf scared of me? Not in a million years
8723306 44609 Is she cool with it? Better not tell you now
8723305 44609 Is Paul telling his gf right now? Yes
8723304 906445 will i be editor in chief My sources say no
8723303 44609 Will Paul pass the test and treat me with respect? Signs point to yes
8723302 385379 will kareem take me to the gym Without a doubt
8723301 44609 Will Paul ever message me again? Without a doubt
8723300 44609 Did Paul catch himself flirting with me? Signs point to yes
8723299 44609 Is Paul stopping right now? It is certain
8723298 497064 a v ustata ste go lapa li sega Very doubtful
8723297 497064 da i go dam li sega Not in a million years
8723293 497064 ebaha li q qko na rabotata Not in a million years
8723292 497064 da i go plesna li v ustata sega Signs point to yes
8723291 497064 lila ask to ass Very doubtful
8723290 497064 ass to mouth now Yes
8723289 906445 should i send a thank you message Yes - definitely
8723288 342131 Will overtime come back As I see it, yes
8723287 906445 should i send a thank you message to Mr. raisner It is decidedly so
8723286 9330 do I have cancer? NO!