the Magic

will curt's boys do well

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8744547 166205 will curt's boys do well Not in a million years
8744546 166205 will craig be upset that his parents won't Cannot predict now
8744545 166205 will craig pay for her Yes
8744544 166205 will craig marry her Outlook good
8744543 166205 will they pay for Craig's girlfriend child's education Outlook not so good
8744542 166205 more than 500k My reply is no
8744541 166205 more than 400k Without a doubt
8744540 166205 will that cost more than 300k As I see it, yes
8744539 166205 will carol pay for grandsons college Yes
8744538 166205 will ann remarry It is certain
8744537 166205 will I have more than my cousin ann Yes - definitely
8744536 166205 will I have more than Barb Signs point to yes
8744535 166205 will I have more than duane Very doubtful
8744534 166205 will I have 2.2m in the end Without a doubt
8744533 166205 will I have 2.3m in the end Not in a million years
8744532 166205 will I have 2.5m in the end NO!
8744531 166205 will I average 15% As I see it, yes
8744530 166205 will I average 12% on my savings It is decidedly so
8744529 166205 will I live to 95 Most likely
8744528 166205 will I help steph's kids education My sources say no
8744527 166205 is carol paying for curt's kids education Better not tell you now
8744526 166205 will I want to Better not tell you now
8744525 166205 will I talk to her in the next 5 years Most likely
8744524 166205 will she be in my life again Outlook good
8744523 166205 will I always be annoyed at carol NO!
8744522 166205 will I always be agry at my family Reply hazy, try again
8744521 166205 will I be proud of my success Very doubtful
8744520 166205 will I live conservative after I reteire As I see it, yes
8744519 1036653 Is Koleen a jerk? It is certain
8744518 1036653 Is Koleen mad Im younger? Concentrate and ask again
8744517 166205 will John fahey have more Not in a million years
8744516 166205 will susie have more My sources say no
8744514 166205 will carol have more NO!
8744513 166205 will bill have as much Signs point to yes
8744512 166205 will luanne have more Without a doubt
8744511 166205 will debby have more Very doubtful
8744510 166205 will Jan have more than me at the end As I see it, yes
8744509 166205 will it be good for me Outlook good
8744508 166205 will it be a lot for women my age Outlook not so good
8744507 166205 will it be a lot for a woman Very doubtful
8744506 166205 will that income be better than most guys Very doubtful
8744505 166205 after I get it will I save 1k a month Signs point to yes
8744504 166205 will it be at least 3900 a month Outlook good
8744503 1036653 Does Koleen regret doing that? NO!
8744502 166205 will my monthly income be 4k a month NO!
8744501 1036653 Did Koleen make me look bad? Yes
8744500 166205 will I be able to afford it It is certain
8744499 166205 will my just payment be more than 1300 a month Better not tell you now
8744498 166205 will it be by harrison homes Yes
8744497 166205 will it be by meritage Reply hazy, try again