the Magic

will it be a harrison home

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8744934 166205 will it be a harrison home Outlook not so good
8744933 166205 will it be more than 1500 sf My reply is no
8744932 166205 within 20 minutes of them Most likely
8744931 166205 will I be within 30 minutes of the girls Outlook good
8744930 210298 Which numbers to play tomorrow in lotto 2-11 Not in a million years
8744929 166205 will it be a house and ndot a town house As I see it, yes
8744928 166205 will I do that after I retire Signs point to yes
8744927 166205 will I go to some singles groupd near there Signs point to yes
8744926 166205 will I find a church to go to Outlook not so good
8744925 322599 Which numbers to play tomorrow in lotto Most likely
8744924 166205 will I make new friends where I get it Reply hazy, try again
8744923 166205 will it be north and east of the girls Outlook good
8744922 166205 will I build a house when I retire Without a doubt
8744921 328559 Dose my ex already have someone Signs point to yes
8744920 166205 once the toxins are gone will I have energy Count on it
8744919 166205 did they move to vegas to retire Signs point to yes
8744918 166205 over 4m in assets Count on it
8744917 166205 does nancy have over 3m in assets Count on it
8744916 166205 is nancy still on rocky waters street It is decidedly so
8744915 166205 did nancy move frorm rocky waters street Better not tell you now
8744914 119595 Can I get 2 for single number tommorow Not in a million years
8744913 119595 Can I choose 2,6,26,33,38 for lunch bonus Not in a million years
8744912 470476 Will Kareem let me know if his meeting me at the train station As I see it, yes
8744910 119595 Did 1, 2,6,26,33,38 possible tone bonus for lunch tomorrow Outlook not so good
8744909 427622 Will I get into another relationship? Cannot predict now
8744908 427622 Will I get married again? Better not tell you now
8744907 34483 65?omg. i didn't realize Count on it
8744906 622496 Should I move to DC? Outlook not so good
8744905 622496 Should I go back to Google? My reply is no
8744904 622496 Did I do the wrong thing here? Outlook good
8744903 622496 Is it time to go? Not in a million years
8744902 622496 Is Sas walking all over me? Count on it
8744901 622496 Do I need to leave? It is decidedly so
8744900 622496 Is Sas using me? Outlook good
8744899 97316 Does K.S. want to be with me? Without a doubt
8744898 97316 Does K.S. want to be my girlfriend? Not in a million years
8744897 97316 Does K.S. want to be my girlfriend? Concentrate and ask again
8744896 66291 My friend is having a baby Outlook not so good
8744895 66291 Am going to win tomorrow Cannot predict now
8744894 66291 My husband is younger than me Yes
8744893 66291 In the future will I get teaching position My reply is no
8744892 66291 Is number 7 will be draw tomorrow on uk49 lunch Cannot predict now
8744891 66291 Is 3 going to be on UK 49 lunch draw tomorrow Outlook good
8744890 66291 Am my going to have a son in the future It is decidedly so
8744889 66291 Is 3 and 29 going to be on Lunch time draw tomorrow Very doubtful
8744888 311762 Are w g t h l o m v s n? Without a doubt
8744887 922994 Is someone an idiot? Without a doubt
8744886 922994 Is someone an idiot? Ask again later
8744885 66291 Am I going to win a lottery jacket in the near future Very doubtful
8744884 863374 will i see jessica again Count on it