the Magic

But not in my dream was opposite ...I was kept warm

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8796819 522560 But not in my dream was opposite ...I was kept warm As I see it, yes
8796818 522560 What is weird?Because...white is cold .. Cannot predict now
8796817 522560 Everything was covered in a white warmth NO!
8796816 522560 I was not dead ...nor getting married in that case Yes
8796815 522560 Another thing? He covered my hair a white cover .. Without a doubt
8796814 522560 The weird part? Either he's a hulk...or i was thin Outlook good
8796813 522560 He never hurt me ...or scared me ...he just comforted me It is certain
8796812 522560 The air ..the air Not in a million years
8796811 522560 He made sure I was warm ...though the word was chilled Signs point to yes
8796810 522560 I remember clearly ..I didn't move ...i laid in the room ...quiet...he was I don't know ...praying? Signs point to yes
8796809 522560 I was not unable to.move ...but I was frozen in the moment with him Not in a million years
8796808 522560 We didn't exchange words ...but he looked intense ...into my eyes Not in a million years
8796807 522560 But he wrapped me ...and tucked in the blanket all around me My reply is no
8796806 623499 does my cousin sia know that i dont trust here Cannot predict now
8796805 522560 He didn't speak ..but he knew in was in need of warmth Very doubtful
8796804 522560 He and I were alone It is decidedly so
8796803 522560 It was not a wedding dress ...but I felt protected ..and hidden Outlook good
8796802 522560 Egypt ..does that ...but I'm not sure if why he wanted me in white Outlook good
8796801 522560 He did not wrap me in mummified wraps ...but a white blanket Outlook not so good
8796800 522560 I'm telling you ..he carried me into that cave Count on it
8796797 522560 The last thing I whispered...just before passing out was "don't leave\' Not in a million years
8796796 623499 am i going home for good today Outlook good
8796795 522560 The last thing I remember...just prior to passing out ...was him. Most likely
8796793 522560 I was laying on a bed of sorts ...he dressed me in white My reply is no
8796791 522560 He dressed me all in white Most likely
8796790 522560 He carried me into a cave ...and stood near ...covering everything on me ...except my face My sources say no
8796788 809152 Is 33 going to drop in uk lunch draw Not in a million years
8796786 522560 I dreamed of an Israeli soldier...but he was good Count on it
8796784 809152 Is 4 going to drop in uk lunch draw Yes - definitely
8796783 522560 Are Israeli military involved? Without a doubt
8796781 809152 Is 11 going to play in lunch time draw My reply is no
8796780 623499 is sia happy im going home today Most likely
8796778 623499 is sia happy im going home today Reply hazy, try again
8796777 522560 Military? As I see it, yes
8796776 623499 is sia happy that im going home Not in a million years
8796774 522560 I'm serious .. Yes - definitely
8796769 522560 I don't believe it Cannot predict now
8796768 522560 Catholicism is their way...same with italyn Count on it
8796767 522560 Are they involved? Yes - definitely
8796766 522560 I don't know much about them ... My sources say no
8796765 522560 Isn't sinoloa cartels ..kinda dangerous? Outlook not so good
8796760 144433 Brandon dirks will make up a plan to win over Hattie Dirks heart? It is certain
8796759 144433 Brandon dirks will be spending time alot with Hattie Dirks in fall / winter? Signs point to yes
8796755 144433 Brandon dirks is gonna have a happy life with Hattie Dirks and live happy ever after? Yes
8796754 144433 Brandon dirks will be in trouble with Hattie Dirks?? Yes
8796753 612268 Should best my meat Very doubtful
8796751 1020811 will g try to seduce me Reply hazy, try again
8796750 1020811 should i say sorry for the past or let it go Not in a million years
8796749 578577 Am I pregnant Most likely
8796744 385704 Will she text today It is decidedly so