the Magic

Is Gabby Petito forever in my heart?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8839932 933308 Is Gabby Petito forever in my heart? My reply is no
8839931 933308 Is Gabby Petito forever in my heart and soul? NO!
8839930 933308 Does Gabby Petito want me to be her boyfriend? Yes - definitely
8839929 933308 Does Gabby Petito want me to hug her right now? As I see it, yes
8839928 933308 Will I ever end up in prison? NO!
8839927 933308 Will Brian Laundrie be locked up in prison? NO!
8839926 933308 Will Brian Laundrie get the electric chair punishment? NO!
8839925 933308 Will Brian Laundrie rot in hell forever? As I see it, yes
8839924 933308 Is Gabby Petito thinking about me right now while she is up in heaven? Yes - definitely
8839923 933308 Would I save Gabby Petito from the evil wrath of Brian Laundrie? Signs point to yes
8839922 933308 Do I deserve to go to hell? NO!
8839921 933308 Do I deserve to go to heaven? My sources say no
8839920 933308 Have I ever killed anyone? It is decidedly so
8839919 933308 When I die, will I go to hell? Without a doubt
8839918 933308 When I die, will I go to heaven? Outlook not so good
8839917 933308 Am I actually going to heaven when I die? It is decidedly so
8839916 933308 Am I actually going to hell when I die? NO!
8839915 933308 Am I actually going to hell when I die? Ask again later
8839914 933308 Will heaven be better than hell? Most likely
8839913 933308 Will heaven be better than hell? Reply hazy, try again
8839912 933308 Will heaven be better than hell? Concentrate and ask again
8839911 933308 Will hell be better than heaven? My sources say no
8839910 933308 Am I a monster? NO!
8839909 933308 Am I an angel? Not in a million years
8839908 933308 Do I belong in hell? It is decidedly so
8839907 933308 Do I belong in heaven? Not in a million years
8839906 933308 Am I really going to heaven? Very doubtful
8839905 933308 Am I going to heaven? It is decidedly so
8839904 933308 Am I really going to hell? Yes - definitely
8839903 933308 Am I going to hell? As I see it, yes
8839902 933308 Is hell real? Yes
8839901 933308 Is hell real? Cannot predict now
8839900 933308 Is hell a real place? Count on it
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