the Magic

Will she want to reach out to me?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8840120 864155 Will she want to reach out to me? Without a doubt
8840116 802403 Will Michael Mancusi ever text me again? Better not tell you now
8840115 704347 Is there another man she wants relations with? Very doubtful
8840114 704347 Does sally still want relations with me? Most likely
8840113 704347 Does sally still want relations with ne? It is decidedly so
8840112 105946 Is 3 good bonus for today Better not tell you now
8840111 683643 What is the teatime bonus for today Outlook good
8840110 609500 Has Emmanuel know where Tyras village in Malawi My reply is no
8840109 609500 Has Emmanuel started dating Tyra on Facebook yes or no Better not tell you now
8840108 609500 Has Emmanuel started dating Tyra on Facebook Concentrate and ask again
8840107 609500 Has Emmanuel met Tyra on Facebook yes or no Yes
8840106 609500 Has Tyra and emmanuel known each other from school yes or no My sources say no
8840105 609500 Has Tyra has on other boyfriend besides emmanuel yes or no Most likely
8840104 609500 Has Tyra has a boyfriend besides emmanuel yes or no Ask again later
8840103 609500 Does Tyra have a boyfriend in Pretoria yes or no It is certain
8840102 609500 Is Emmanuel over with me for good yes or no Concentrate and ask again
8840101 609500 Is it over for good between emmanuel and me yes or no Very doubtful
8840100 609500 Will emmanuel and I get back together yes or no Very doubtful
8840099 609500 Is Emmanuel still wants me yes or no Very doubtful
8840098 242860 Am i gonna sleep well at night without evil spirit Count on it
8840097 609500 Will emmanuel come back to me yes or no Signs point to yes
8840096 609500 Is Emmanuel thinking of me yes or no Most likely
8840095 609500 Emmanuel and Tyra are still talking to each other yes or no Reply hazy, try again
8840094 609500 Is Emmanuel talks to Tyra every day Better not tell you now
8840092 242860 19 teatime uk/49 bonus today It is decidedly so
8840091 609500 Does emmanuel still have feelings for nasirita Outlook not so good
8840090 609500 Emmanuel will he go back to nasirita Outlook not so good
8840086 609500 Emmanuel and Tyra still in love Signs point to yes
8840082 242860 19 uk/49 teatime bonus Count on it
8840080 609500 Is Emmanuel still thinking about me Outlook not so good
8840078 70802 6 bonus for today teatime As I see it, yes
8840076 609500 Is Emmanuel and Tyra still together Outlook good
8840072 242860 Is number 15 gonna bi in uk/49 teatime results today Better not tell you now
8840071 609500 27 tea bonus Count on it
8840068 70802 46 was selected for lunchtime NO!
8840066 609500 13 tea bonus NO!
8840062 609500 37 bonus tea Most likely
8840059 609500 28 tea bonus today Outlook not so good
8840057 70802 46 be bonus for today lunchtime Not in a million years
8840048 70802 36 be bonus for today It is certain
8840047 70802 Ball 6 bonus today for teatime Most likely
8840043 70802 Ball 6 is the bonus for teatime today Outlook good
8840040 242860 Do i love the father of my kids Cannot predict now
8840039 328862 Will I have a turkey sandwich for lunch? Not in a million years
8840038 242860 Is number 38 gonna be in today teatime results Concentrate and ask again
8840037 328862 Will I hear from A again? NO!
8840036 328862 Will my phone ring in the next 5 minutes? NO!
8840035 242860 Does my boyfriend enjoy making love to me Most likely
8840033 328862 Will I ever hear from Abby again? Not in a million years
8840032 242860 Does the father of my kids love me Without a doubt