the Magic

Will 42 pop on lunch

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8855349 4480 Will 42 pop on lunch Better not tell you now
8855348 4480 Will 22 pop on lunch As I see it, yes
8855347 4480 Will 23 pop on lunch It is certain
8855346 4480 Will 24 pop up on lunch Without a doubt
8855345 4480 Will 8 pop up on lunch My sources say no
8855344 4480 Will 3 pop up on lunch Very doubtful
8855343 4480 Will 31 pop on lunch Very doubtful
8855342 4480 Will 37 pop up on lunch Cannot predict now
8855341 4480 Will 47 pop on lunch Yes
8855340 4480 Will 39 pop up on lunch Count on it
8855339 4480 Will 14 pop up on lunchtime Concentrate and ask again
8855338 736805 should i respond to the interview? My reply is no
8855337 736805 should I respond to the invitation? Better not tell you now
8855336 550260 Will i have powers in the RP Yes - definitely
8855335 841321 Will 13 be in today's UK 49 lunch draw Count on it
8855334 841321 Will 2 be in today's UK 49 lunch draw Most likely
8855333 841321 Will 21 be in today's UK 49 lunch draw Not in a million years
8855319 718569 how much days does this covid ends? Signs point to yes
8855283 370322 Will I lose her soon? Not in a million years
8855282 370322 Will I lose her soon Ask again later
8855279 1030046 God will the judge rule in the plantiffs favor It is decidedly so
8855278 1030046 God will the judge in Kern county rule in my favor? NO!
8855274 798188 Am I a Nazi? Not in a million years
8855273 798188 Am I a supporter of Western fascism? NO!
8855272 798188 Am I a supporter of Western fascism? Reply hazy, try again
8855263 311599 what is bullet force? Not in a million years
8855262 311599 who are you? Not in a million years
8855260 530691 I will get more than 80% for my writing folio It is decidedly so
8855259 530691 will i get more than 80% in my writing folio My reply is no
8855256 773098 God will I be able to sue the owners of the house? It is decidedly so
8855255 773098 God will I be able to stop the court from granting my land to the neighbor? Signs point to yes
8855252 798188 Should I stay anti-mask? It is certain
8855251 798188 Should I stay anti-masked? Not in a million years
8855250 403681 Will Kareem buy me a present for my birthday Very doubtful
8855249 148834 Does he love me My sources say no
8855248 148834 Does he loves me Concentrate and ask again
8855247 148834 Is my hubby cheating on me Signs point to yes
8855246 148834 Did she get her pension money Outlook good
8855245 148834 Is her third party money out My reply is no
8855244 148834 Is my friend p going to pay me Most likely
8855243 148834 Is P going to pay me anytime soon Ask again later
8855242 148834 Are oeoplw taking advantage of me with moneu My sources say no
8855241 798188 Am I bad for the environment? Yes
8855240 798188 Am I healthy? Outlook not so good
8855239 148834 Am I too goid for other people Outlook not so good
8855238 148834 Did she done some bad things to my children Outlook good
8855237 148834 Is she a witch Outlook good
8855236 148834 Is mt mother in law a hood person Outlook not so good
8855235 148834 Is a flat for me Outlook not so good
8855234 148834 ImAm I going to get a house NO!