the Magic

should I leave my husband

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8885781 280788 should I leave my husband My sources say no
8885780 280788 does Nick love me Ask again later
8885779 812194 do jews celebrate Thanksgiving ? Outlook not so good
8885764 774970 Is my family woke? Yes
8885763 466430 tabs or spaces? Very doubtful
8885762 774970 Should I leave my Grandpa Wimer’s house without saying a word? My reply is no
8885761 774970 Are there too many drunk zombies on this planet right now? It is certain
8885760 774970 Are there too many drunk zombies on this planet? My reply is no
8885759 774970 Are there too many drunk zombies on this planet? Better not tell you now
8885758 774970 Are there too many zombies on this planet? Count on it
8885757 774970 Are there too many zombies on this planet? Cannot predict now
8885756 328764 Will jade and I get married and have a family of our own Not in a million years
8885755 328764 Do you even work Outlook not so good
8885754 328764 Will jade and I get married Not in a million years
8885753 328764 Is jade my soul mate ? My reply is no
8885752 224495 should i spend money on more ram My sources say no
8885751 774970 Was this year’s Thanksgiving a complete disaster? It is certain
8885750 769699 Na paw spiti? Without a doubt
8885749 769699 Na paw net? Very doubtful
8885748 774970 Does my family exclude me? My sources say no
8885747 467009 Are you an 8 ball? Very doubtful
8885746 82614 Should we get a divorce? Not in a million years
8885745 82614 Will I ever sleep with him? Not in a million years
8885744 767308 Тарек има ли интерес към мен ? Reply hazy, try again
8885743 767308 Тарек видял Ли е новите ми снимки? Most likely
8885742 767308 Тарек видял ли е новите ми снимки ? Ask again later
8885741 767308 Tarek vidial li e novite mi snimki? Without a doubt
8885740 493700 are they still coming? Cannot predict now
8885739 774970 Does my family completely ignore me? As I see it, yes
8885738 315938 Is Ken done with me? Outlook good
8885737 848337 is brandy ok Most likely
8885736 302760 should I message and ask her something at the moment? Outlook good
8885735 541737 Will she be safe Better not tell you now
8885733 283638 Vy&etfgr@&u&eiuo*i@ooug@*#be@i#t&engi@ Cannot predict now
8885732 283638 Vy&etfgr@&u&eiuo*i@ore My sources say no
8885731 283638 Vy&etfgr@&u&eiuo*i@o Signs point to yes
8885730 283638 Jhfsduyegjhkghj3i45ut4y3hiug!byte#^fyt2yfhg3b Yes
8885729 283638 2g35f345vf345gf6b3456g5ed It is decidedly so
8885728 283638 am i staying at btbe? Outlook good
8885727 283638 am i going to queens college again Most likely
8885726 283638 am i going to be rich Outlook not so good
8885725 933308 Will I return to the Indiana University of Pennsylvania in a few years from now? As I see it, yes
8885724 933308 Will I have lots of cash? My reply is no
8885723 933308 Will I have lots of cash? Cannot predict now
8885722 933308 Will I have lots of money? Very doubtful
8885721 436272 18 pola evening number NO!
8885720 436272 19 pola evening number Count on it
8885704 465656 Should i break up with her now? Not in a million years
8885703 933308 Should I color with crayons again? It is certain
8885701 493700 will they come for the house review today? Very doubtful