the Magic

Am I going to pass all my classes

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8929082 777150 Am I going to pass all my classes Outlook good
8929081 81447 is saint Germain real Outlook good
8929080 777150 Will Addi buss and Luke Taber date Outlook good
8929079 777150 Will ally Knox and cannen turner date? Without a doubt
8929078 81447 Is Communism going to be real Without a doubt
8929077 777150 Will me and Luke go to homecoming with me Most likely
8929076 81447 Is Gesara related to the ONU My reply is no
8929075 81447 is communism going to be defeated Very doubtful
8929074 81447 Is Gesara a Psy Op Outlook good
8929072 81447 Is Gesara on The Communist Agenda Better not tell you now
8929071 81447 Will we have private property Most likely
8929070 777150 Dose cannen turner like ally Knox Count on it
8929068 81447 Will we be rulled by Communism Yes
8929066 777150 Does Luke like me as more than a friend Most likely
8929065 226797 Will I be happy and successful in this field of work? Yes
8929064 777150 Does Luke like me Very doubtful
8929062 81447 Answers are random My reply is no
8929061 226797 Should I try and get off this career path? Better not tell you now
8929060 777150 Should me and Luke be together Better not tell you now
8929059 81447 This was fun thank you Outlook not so good
8929058 777150 Should me and Luke be to Outlook not so good
8929057 226797 Am I in the right field? Better not tell you now
8929056 81447 Are these answers real As I see it, yes
8929052 81447 Is Gesara the New World Order Outlook not so good
8929051 81447 Will Trump implement Gesara Signs point to yes
8929050 81447 Are people happy with The New World Order NO!
8929049 81447 Is The New World Order the Sistem of The Beast Count on it
8929047 81447 is The New World Oreder the Sistem of the beast As I see it, yes
8929045 81447 New World Order is a Hoax Outlook not so good
8929044 81447 New Word Order is going to be bad Outlook not so good
8929043 81447 New World Order is a good thing Yes
8929042 81447 is this really magic Not in a million years
8929041 81447 Are these random answers Outlook not so good
8929040 81447 Is Gesara part of the New World Order Yes - definitely
8929039 81447 Is trump part of the New World Order It is certain
8929038 81447 Is Trump part of Gesara Outlook not so good
8929037 81447 Is trump part of the NWO Not in a million years
8929036 81447 Is Trump coming back It is decidedly so
8929034 81447 Is GTMO full It is decidedly so
8929031 81447 Are the Military Courts on operation Yes
8929029 81447 Are the Military Tribunals real It is decidedly so
8929024 81447 Are the Mass arrests real Without a doubt
8929020 81447 Are people going tho wake up Better not tell you now
8929018 81447 Is Q anon Lying Without a doubt
8929017 81447 JFK Junior is alive Very doubtful
8929016 81447 JFK is alive NO!
8929015 81447 Is Donald Trump part of the pedophile ring Outlook not so good
8929014 81447 Donald Trump is Pedophile Reply hazy, try again
8929012 81447 is Joe Biden a Pedophile Without a doubt
8929011 81447 is Joe Biden a good element My sources say no