the Magic

do i send him my paragraph

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8929432 693373 do i send him my paragraph Count on it
8929430 693373 should i message him Not in a million years
8929427 469421 Is Z. out of my life for good? Without a doubt
8929426 262761 Will we get back together Not in a million years
8929419 434458 Should I draw nekoluga Cannot predict now
8929418 434458 Should I draw nekoluga Concentrate and ask again
8929417 1045599 what is the bonus colour for lunchtime today Outlook good
8929409 445368 Does Kevin have a smell pp As I see it, yes
8929408 445368 Does he have a big duck Ask again later
8929407 991089 Can I do it tonight? Most likely
8929406 445368 Does Kevin like me Count on it
8929405 991089 Can I have a cheat night tonight? Signs point to yes
8929404 991089 Can I have a cheat night? Not in a million years
8929403 991089 Ok to have a cheat night? Better not tell you now
8929402 991089 Is it ok to have a cheat night? Cannot predict now
8929358 351876 please dont let there be another war Very doubtful
8929357 866482 Will I have a successful career in design? Concentrate and ask again
8929356 866482 Will I find "my" sport? My sources say no
8929355 866482 Will I get good grades? Without a doubt
8929354 866482 Will Avery and I go skiing together? It is decidedly so
8929353 866482 Will Maria and I become friends again? Very doubtful
8929352 866482 Will Maria and I be in 3 of the same classes in semester 1. Signs point to yes
8929351 866482 Will Avery and I go to mount st.louis together? My sources say no
8929350 269932 Will I be awarded permanent guardianship for my son tim this week? It is certain
8929349 269932 Will I be awarded full guardianship of my son Tim this week? My reply is no
8929345 308196 are me and maggie going to do a tiktok dance tommorow Yes
8929344 308196 are me an maggie going to do a dance tiktok tommorow Ask again later
8929343 308196 does liam kennedy like me As I see it, yes
8929330 469421 Is my dad healthy? It is certain
8929329 469421 Is my dad going to be ok? Outlook good
8929328 469421 Is my dad going to be fine? Yes - definitely
8929327 469421 Is my dad going to be okay? NO!
8929326 461698 I will get bad news on Monday? Ask again later
8929325 979780 W i f a j by Aug? As I see it, yes
8929324 979780 W i f a j by M? My sources say no
8929323 979780 W i f a j by M? Reply hazy, try again
8929319 321786 Will Buffalo bills win tonight Outlook not so good
8929318 321786 Will Buffalo bills win tonight Reply hazy, try again
8929317 559777 should i drink another celcius? Yes - definitely
8929316 559777 should i drink another celcius energy drink? Most likely
8929315 567559 Will the skin cream be a life savior Yes - definitely
8929314 692277 should chainy say it in dms It is decidedly so
8929313 567559 Will the skin cream help Not in a million years
8929312 567559 Will c want to lose weight and loon amazing My sources say no
8929311 567559 Will they increase her metBolism NO!
8929310 567559 Will Cleveland help her with this struggle It is certain
8929309 567559 Will my daughter lose weight NO!
8929303 966602 Will I be able to save my car Yes
8929302 916568 Should I take Architecture Count on it
8929301 966602 Will I win a large amount of money on a scratch off My sources say no