the Magic

Will Andy text Bernice

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9007753 1008520 Will Andy text Bernice Signs point to yes
9007752 1008520 Will Andy ask for forgiveness from Bernice Count on it
9007751 1008520 Does Bernice still love Andy Not in a million years
9007750 1008520 Does Bernice still loves Andy Concentrate and ask again
9007749 1008520 Does Andy still love Bernice? My reply is no
9007748 1008520 Will Bernice ever see Andy one day? My sources say no
9007747 1008520 Will Bernice be rich Signs point to yes
9007746 1008520 Will I be rich in years to come? Count on it
9007745 1008520 Will Bernice be very rich in years to come? Very doubtful
9007744 1008520 Am I pregnant? Cannot predict now
9007743 1008520 Will Gem and Bernice be together one day? Signs point to yes
9007742 1008520 Will Gem and I be together one day? Concentrate and ask again
9007741 1008520 Will Andy and I get back together? Better not tell you now
9007740 1008520 Will I gain admission to a nursing school when I buy forms? Signs point to yes
9007739 587073 alessandro ha preso sei meno Yes - definitely
9007738 587073 alessandro ha preso sette più My reply is no
9007737 587073 alessandro ha preso sette meno My reply is no
9007736 587073 alessandro ha preso sette meno Concentrate and ask again
9007735 587073 alessandro ha preso sei My reply is no
9007734 587073 alessandro ha preso otto Very doubtful
9007733 587073 alessandro ha peso sei e mezzo NO!
9007732 587073 alessandro ha preso sette e mezzo My sources say no
9007731 587073 Alessandro ha preso sette Most likely
9007730 122022 Can I change my current position in June 2022 at ANZ Cannot predict now
9007729 122022 Can I change my job in June 2022 at ANZ It is certain
9007728 122022 Can I win this week Thursday Lotto Not in a million years
9007727 391101 Are you sure? Signs point to yes
9007726 391101 Does the nurse like me? Outlook not so good
9007725 1027814 Will the steam cleaner help ? My sources say no
9007724 1027814 Will the steam cleaner help ? Reply hazy, try again
9007722 1027814 Can you say anything besides very doubtful ? It is certain
9007720 1027814 Should I call for help with the bug issue ? Very doubtful
9007719 1027814 Will I get rid of the bugs on my own ? Very doubtful
9007717 1027814 L should we get a new sofa ? Very doubtful
9007716 1027814 Will the steam cleaner fix my problem ? Not in a million years
9007714 84844 Can 6 come as bonus ball to day on uk lunch time draw My reply is no
9007713 640939 Can 6 come as bonus ball to day on uk 49 lunch time draw Reply hazy, try again
9007712 1029262 Does Rachel want to be with me? It is decidedly so
9007698 114563 Does he not think that Without a doubt
9007697 114563 Does he not think that? Reply hazy, try again
9007696 114563 Does he think that? Yes - definitely
9007695 114563 Does he think anything like that? Outlook good
9007694 114563 Does he not think anything like that? NO!
9007687 160281 Was not seeing him again the right thing to do? Count on it
9007685 664132 What is the bonus ball for today lunchtime the magic ball? Ask again later
9007684 576321 is Rodrigo Chaves Robles a member of wef Without a doubt
9007682 957987 see dream? Outlook good
9007681 957987 Concert? Most likely
9007680 957987 should i go sa concert Not in a million years
9007664 816331 Should we get a second dog? Reply hazy, try again