the Magic

Give me two numbers for today

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9028039 248059 Give me two numbers for today Count on it
9028038 483875 Will i pass the exam? Not in a million years
9028037 859273 will kim get with jessen Ask again later
9028036 859273 will kim die single Outlook good
9028035 403681 Will Kareem give fussy a present for her birthday Without a doubt
9028034 403681 Will Kareem work things out with me Very doubtful
9028033 403681 Will Kareem give me back the extra money I gave him Without a doubt
9028032 403681 Will Kareem give me back my money NO!
9028031 550399 36 5 46 which 1 is 2 numbers It is certain
9028030 550399 Is 42 bonus for today Yes
9028029 458295 What is bonus today Yes - definitely
9028028 782785 Blue will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today As I see it, yes
9028027 782785 Purple will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today My sources say no
9028026 782785 Brown will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today Count on it
9028025 782785 Yellow will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today NO!
9028024 782785 Orange will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today Count on it
9028023 782785 Red will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today As I see it, yes
9028022 782785 Green ball will be the bonus colour for lunchtime today My sources say no
9028021 506866 Have they stalked me? As I see it, yes
9028020 506866 Did they come on purpose? Most likely
9028019 545391 Ball 8 will be on lunchtime results today Signs point to yes
9028018 545391 Ball 23 will be on lunchtime results today Yes - definitely
9028017 545391 Ball 45 will be on lunchtime results today Count on it
9028016 545391 Ball 40will be on lunchtime results today ? Signs point to yes
9028015 545391 Ball 15will be on lunchtime results today ? Without a doubt
9028014 545391 Ball 33will be on lunchtime results today ? Count on it
9028013 997876 Does 3 play today on lunch time Outlook good
9028012 997876 Does 18 be the bonus today It is certain
9028011 545391 Ball 2 will be on lunchtime results today ? Most likely
9028010 545391 Ball 17 will be on lunchtime results today ? Most likely
9028009 997876 Does 5 play today As I see it, yes
9028008 545391 Ball number 27will be on lunchtime results today? Yes
9028007 545391 Ball number 25will be on lunchtime results today? Outlook not so good
9028006 545391 Ball number 11will be on lunchtime results today? My reply is no
9028005 545391 Ball number 22will be on lunchtime results today? Ask again later
9028004 545391 Ball number 10will be on lunchtime results today? As I see it, yes
9028003 545391 Ball number 36will be on lunchtime results today? Most likely
9028002 545391 Ball number 35will be on lunchtime results today? My sources say no
9028001 997876 Is 18 the bonus ball Most likely
9028000 545391 Ball number 18will be on lunchtime results today? Without a doubt
9027999 545391 Ball number 16 will be on lunchtime results today? Yes - definitely
9027998 545391 Ball number 12 will be on lunchtime results today? Very doubtful
9027997 545391 Ball number 31 will be on lunchtime results today? It is certain
9027996 545391 Ball number 19 will be on lunchtime results today? Reply hazy, try again
9027995 545391 Ball number 3 will be on lunchtime results today? Most likely
9027994 545391 Ball number 48 will be on lunchtime results today? Yes - definitely
9027993 2120 do i deserve tyler as my partner in life Not in a million years
9027992 2120 do i deserve tyler? Count on it
9027991 2120 do i deserve tyler Cannot predict now
9027984 469421 Do i have great eyesight and healthy eyes? Yes - definitely