the Magic

I need to get that ..thing off my nose

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9028478 763153 I need to get that ..thing off my nose As I see it, yes
9028477 763153 I hate to sleep. I need a gun Yes
9028476 673408 Should i block him Better not tell you now
9028475 763153 I have flares up. Signs point to yes
9028474 522271 Will I marry soon? Yes
9028473 763153 Scared to go to sleep Not in a million years
9028472 763153 I would love a lottery ..but ill be ok Ask again later
9028471 763153 I know's nutty ..but I need a job It is certain
9028470 763153 I have a job interview tomorrow Outlook good
9028469 763153 I have a job interview tomorrow Cannot predict now
9028468 522271 When wil we do it? Without a doubt
9028467 522271 Does she love me Cannot predict now
9028466 763153 People lie ...they say ..healthy . but what they want is to be attractive. If being healthy is a side effect . all for it Outlook good
9028465 522271 When wil I shag fay.? NO!
9028464 763153 Im trying to find a healthy life Without a doubt
9028463 763153 Im just tired Outlook good
9028462 763153 I know missed me Signs point to yes
9028461 763153 Time for fun It is certain
9028456 435200 will my third eye open next week As I see it, yes
9028455 435200 will my third eye open two night from now with power NO!
9028454 435200 will my third eye open tonight with power My sources say no
9028453 435200 do I love tightey whities on boys Concentrate and ask again
9028451 435200 will I win the largest lottery next week Yes
9028450 435200 am I circumcised Count on it
9028449 66767 Is Jan Hizon going to heaven? Most likely
9028448 66767 Is 2pac in Heaven? Most likely
9028446 877283 Will Intense Beauté make $1100 tomorrow? Signs point to yes
9028445 877283 Will Intense Beauté make $1500 tomorrow? NO!
9028444 877283 Will I make $1500 tomorrow? Not in a million years
9028443 373530 is doctor zuvela going to be happy with this finger It is certain
9028442 373530 is doctor zuvela going to be haopy with this finger Signs point to yes
9028412 780262 Is my wife pregnant? NO!
9028379 403681 Will Kareem give me back my extra koney As I see it, yes
9028368 403681 Will Kareem give me back the extra money I gave him for the bills Yes - definitely
9028367 391101 It's later. Does my Erika miss me? Count on it
9028366 391101 Does my Erika miss me? Ask again later
9028365 391101 Does she like red now? It is decidedly so
9028364 391101 Does Paige want to have coffee with me? As I see it, yes
9028363 391101 Does Paige miss me? Yes - definitely
9028361 686714 does Jeannine still think I am cute Yes
9028360 121682 Am I pregnant right now? Signs point to yes
9028359 866216 Is God real My reply is no
9028358 866216 Will I marry Josie Signs point to yes
9028357 866216 Am I stupid Not in a million years
9028356 866216 Am I a crybaby Yes
9028355 866216 Will I get more subscribers then p1lls Outlook good
9028354 866216 Will my YouTube channel blow up Signs point to yes
9028353 602246 should i get that tattoo right now? Signs point to yes
9028348 1014700 Is there anyone here exept us It is certain
9028347 935816 Is she gonna be mine? My reply is no